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Heavenring Village: Lord's Manor $1.99
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Heavenring Village: Lord\'s Manor
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Heavenring Village: Lord's Manor
Publisher: 0one Games
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/04/2017 08:50:49

Whether your party has business with the lord of the manor or perhaps one of them has aspirations to become a lord of the manor, this quite substantial residence may come in handy. In Heavenring, if you are using the entire village, the current lord is indeed a retired adventurer. His house is well-defended (and not just by his old suits of armour standing around!) yet open and welcoming to visitors.

The entrance is imposing, with a driveway through wooded parkland ending in a semi-circular flight of steps up to the front door. Two statues of armoured figures flank the doorway, and there is a guardpost to either side with arrow slits providing opportunity to fire at unwanted visitors. Inside, there's a hallway to either side and straight ahead the entrance to the main hall.

The manor is centred around a large hall that is described as combining dining room and parlour. There are a couple of conversation groups around a pair of fireplaces, a large round table, an organ at one side and a massive formal dining table at the end of the hall. This stands on a small dais and is flanked by the aforementioned suits of armour. Another table nearby with some stools around it appears to serve as the lord's office.

Opening off the main hall, there's a large kitchen on one side with a storeroom off it, and the lord's private quarters - a spacious bedroom and private bath - on the other side. It would appear that the lord has a wife, as there are TWO bathtubs and matching washbasins... and two privies! Guest provision is far less impressive, although there are several bunk rooms (labelled as barracks or servants' quarters) there are only two further privies tucked away in side rooms at the rear of the building. Each has a washbasin, but no more tubs.

As usual, 0one Games demonstrate their technical mastery of PDFs with their 'Rule the Dungeon' button that uses layers to enable you to have a choice of grid (square, hex or none) and whether or not you wish to see furniture, doors, and so on. If the need arises you can print individual areas, or the whole thing, of course changing the settings as you please each time.

If you ever have need of a single-floor manor house, this is a well-presented and solid option.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heavenring Village: Lord's Manor
Publisher: 0one Games
by Joe K. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/17/2010 14:51:09

The Lord's Manor has a lot going for it. In this 33 page PDF, in black and white, it details out a manor. These things are oftne hard to map on your own and yet are a big part of many settings, especially when dealing with that time period. I remember running some Ares Magica wishing I had a regular sized map of a manor like this for miniature use.

The only thing I don't like that the artist does here, as many artist for these scale maps do, is the silly size of beds and chairs. Each bed taking up two squares making the beds fit for ogres, trolls and giants! I know that it looks better with the miniatures but the artists need to remember that each square is a five foot square and that when looked at outside of the miniatures, it looks silly. This might just be because miniatures range from 28mm to 32mm or larger and they are worried what the miniature would look like when 'laying' down.

That's a minor grip though and it's more than made up for with the utility that the file has. First off, it includes bookmarks. Several maps products don't tend to use them to the fullest but we have them here. Next up, it has layers. These layers allow the user a solid deal of customization and can allow the user to showcase manors that are similar but not exactly the same or to hide things form the players. This is solid utility of existing technology that everyone doing maps needs to consider.

Lastly, it's not ink intensive. By making it so that its not ink intensive, this gives a solid indication that it is meant for use and indeed, can be used. Some tiles are so heavy on black and color backgrounds that to print them is to risk the wrath of the ink gods and their expensive replacements save for those using ye old laser printers.

The Lord's Manor does include some background and some advertisements for other 0one Games product, but the gaming advice is fairly general and can be easily incorporated into the game or ignored.

If you're looking for ye old five foot square for ye old miniatures, the Lord's Manor is another solid entry into the line by 0one Games.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Heavenring Village: Lord's Manor
Publisher: 0one Games
by Ben G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/22/2010 09:19:16

The Lord's Manor is one of a number of buildings detailed in 0one's Heavenring Village. This 33 page PDF starts with an introduction to their product line, gives a brief introduction to the village itself and jumps right into the map. The document is Black & White.

Organized into 8 x 10 sheets with a GM's reference map which allows notes to be added about locations and also acts a guide to constructing the manor.

One feature of the 0one maps I very much like is the "Rule the Dungeon" button. While opened in your PDF viewer (Acrobat Standard in my case) you can click this button and configure a number of options, which you can read more about in the product description.

The map itself is straight forward, easy to construct and is system neutral. Vector graphics give it a great resolution when printed and some of the toggles in the PDF allow you to reduce the amount of ink used by removing fill - a nice feature.

The descriptive prose could use a little work, some of the sentences are awkwardly constructed and hard to read. This does not effect the construction of or use of the map though.

At it's current price of $1.99 it's a good, inexpensive addition to your game.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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