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Unkindness (ICONS, HERO) $3.95
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Unkindness (ICONS, HERO)
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Unkindness (ICONS, HERO)
Publisher: High Rock Press
by Quinn M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2012 14:04:14

A good villain is a key element for a good adventure. The Raven King fits that bill (great artwork inside showing him in all his glory) and the potential for using him again is VERY high. There are 24 plot seeds included to create future adventures. There is a darker plot element involving domestic violence, but it is handled thoughtfully by the author.

On the negative side, I did note that under the sample encounters, 'A Speedy Delivery Gone Wrong' and 'Four and Twenty Ravens Baked In a Pie' that the same paragraphs are REPEATED.

I didn't purchase this with the idea of using either Champions or Icons to run it, so I have no concerns about stats really. A good plot and a good villain should not rely on some part of a particular game system to work. As has often been noted, especially for super hero adventures, the GM should tweak the villians to matchup with his player's characters.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Unkindness (ICONS, HERO)
Publisher: High Rock Press
by Thomas B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 09/15/2010 17:47:28

The Good: Unkindness does provide a very interesting new villain, with a complete adventure AND twenty four additional plot seeds to use with the villain after the adventure is finished.

The Bad: If you are buying this for ICONS, the ICONS part of it feels like an afterthought. I know it is a lighter system than Hero is, but the ICONS support comes entirely in stat blocks. In parts where skills are discussed in the adventure, Hero Knowledge Skills are mentioned, but Specialties in ICONS are ignored, etc. The art is inconsistent as the cover art is...not great...but some of the interior art (especially the Raven King) looks wicked.

Conclusion: For a Hero adventure? Great buy. For an ICONS adventure? Eh, maybe, and that's the perspective I'm looking at this from.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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