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E-Z DUNGEONS: Expansion Set 3 $6.99 $3.50
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E-Z DUNGEONS: Expansion Set 3
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E-Z DUNGEONS: Expansion Set 3
Publisher: Fat Dragon Games
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/23/2012 13:01:05

“E-Z” may not be quite the right moniker for this product. You’ll need an intermediate level of skill with paper modeling and a whole lot of patience to put these pieces together. However, the extensive instructions that Fat Dragon provides will help jumpstart your paper modeling experience if you’re new to this aspect of the hobby. Once you build these expansion pieces, however, the results are fantastic. This set and the related offerings from Fat Dragon can really make your tabletop pop. The shrine with the beholder idol in it is a particularly fun touch here. Keep in mind that this is an “expansion”; you’ll want to combine it with a base set for maximum usefulness.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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