Hopefully you won't have much need for this pleasant graveyard set in a garden. I'd hate to think of undead trampling around... this set of tiles provides details of three crypts and a grave with a statue on it, as well as the cemetery office and mortuary, and the guardian's residence. If you are using Heavenring Village, this is the only proper cemetary for miles around, so people bring their dead here.
The 'office block' contains a spacious office and a small mortuary where bodies awaiting burial may be stored. There's also a larger storage area for coffins and other materials, and a single chamber for the caretaker, which looks quite cosy... at least the neighbours tend to be quiet!
The graveyard itself is laid out neatly, with tombs in neat rows and plenty of space for more. The crypts seem quite substantial, as are the gates to the cemetery, which is walled. All in all, a nice place to lay your dearly departed to rest.
The usual technical effects are available including choice of grid (square, hex or none) and whether or not you want furniture (this empties the crypts of their tombs as well as removing the tombs from the graveyard...), but if you need a cemetery, well this is a nice one. I did run an adventure a couple of years ago that started with the party being invited to a funeral and receiving a bequest, so it is not always the loss of a party member that can bring your game here.