The Mayor (spelled 'major' throughout, a rare spelling mistake) of Heavenring village is a dwarf by the name of Musdus Marub and with typical dwarven efficiency the Town Hall includes his house. Should he be voted out, it's not clear if he'll pass his residence on to the new Mayor or not (there could even be an adventure in that...), it may be the offical residence rather than Musdus's own home. The front part of the building contains the official chambers, chiefly a large hall surrounded by offices, and the Mayor's house occupies the rear. The tile-set also includes the village well which stands in front of the Town Hall.
The main hall is a large room with a dais facing the door, on which there is a long table with chairs behind it facing out into the room. The rest of the hall is filled with rows of chairs facing the dais, with a carpeted aisle down the middle. It will make an excellent setting for anything from the bestowal of public rewards to a trial... both possible events in your campaign. There is also a flight of steps leading up to the entrance, making it quite an imposing place for a village! For times of trouble, there are two small guardposts, one to each side of the steps. Each has space for the guard to live as well as look out for trouble.
As well as the main hall there is a meeting room with a large round table, an office for the Mayor (with a door through to his residence), and a couple of rooms for records and archives. All of these chambers have direct access to the outside, you do not need to tramp through the main hall to reach them although they do also open into it.
The Mayor's residence is nicely-appointed with a foyer, dining room, bedroom, bathroom (complete with tub!), kitchen and another room that's designated as for a servant, but could of course be used for the Mayor's children should he have any.
As to be expected, 0one Games display their usual mastery of PDF technology, making it very easy to use and even customise to some extent (choice of hex, square or no grid, and whether or not you want furniture and doors to show). Whether you are using Heavenring Village as a whole or just need a Town Hall (or indeed a guild hall, it could work as that too), this is a nice set of floorplans.