Short, quirky encounters, with a magical bent that can serve as interesting diversions for your players, or starting points for greater adventure.
Each scenario has an explanation, stat blocks, rewards, and suggestions on how to expand the encounter.
Great set of encouters for low level (1-5) D&D 5E play. The stats for all of the monsters and traps are included, so no need to flip through the Monster Manual or Dungeon Masters Guide for stats. They have an old school feel to all of them and include ideas for how to expand each encoutner for additional play.
A great resource for those players, and Dungeon Masters, looking to add a little more Necromancy to their D&D 5E games. The book is attractive, well layed out, and easy to read. The spell selection covers all the nasty necromancy spells from 3E that didn't make it into 5tE.
Matthew Mercer's Gunslinger Martial Archetype for Fighters is a good supplement, easily worth being in print, and you won't feel remorse for paying for them. The presentation and content are great. The Gunslinger as a Martial Archtype, instead of a class, is s sound idea.
It should go without saying however that the usefulness of the Gunslinger rests soley on the constraints of your campaign. If your campaign world isn't ready for blackpowder level of technology, or your DM isn't likely to alllow Gunslingers, than this is merely an interesting read.
My only criticism of the entire article is that lack of cost guidelines for Ammunition, Bad News, and the Hand Motar, and being left to DM discretion. Everything in D&D is up to the DM's discresion. As a DM, I would have appreciated the costs Matthew Mercer would use, and then made my own judgements, taking those into consideration.
I look forward to future DMsguild content from Matthew Mercer.
Great set that fills a niche need at a price so low you can afford to add it to your collection for when you need it.
12 Figures in 4 different colr schemes provides 48 figures for variety.
I plan on using these in my modern, zombie, and supers related games.
They are great for any situation where you want paniced civilains fleeing a threat and being a general nuisance blocking the players' characters from moving quickly and obstructing lines of sight.
Dave always produces great figures and these mini playsets are priced at an impulse buy price point.
Nice mini set. Dave's art is great, as expected.
10 figures, 3 layers of color options.
I should also note, that he wisely didn't depict powers powers, so the figures are more universal in application.
I look forward to future mini sets, especially if they are Superhero related.
Another great set from Grey Mater Games. 16 Spell caster paper models of various fantasy races, some familiar, some exotic. Bases, rules, some fluff, and design notes included. The figures have a great retro D&D vibe, but would be suitable for any fantasy RPG setting.
Great set. Minotaurs/Tauren are an often under represented race in the Fantasy Model world and this set provides you with 8 very characterful models of the Tauren persuasion.
Mind boggling amount of layered options. 40+ layers that you can combine. No Grid, Light Grid, Dark Grid, base colors, secondary colors, numbers, panels, weathering, etc.... Well worth $2.
The Alchemical content content was good. The meta-alchemical feats were a progression of the standard meta-magic feats over to alchemy, which is solid and playable. I was overall quite happy with the game content.
The layout and appearance of the book were distracting. They layout and fonts were better suited for a modern era gaming document, while reading the content it's clear that it's supposed to be a period era document. There is a very modern order form in the front of the document that is supposed to be in character, but doesn't fit with the layout. When items are boxed in the box is too close to the text. The font choices are poorly mismatched. The numbers at the bottom of the page are garish and hard to read, contrasting harshly with the mundane fonts used for everything else. It's an unprofessional looking layout that actually made the book harder to read.
The entire book is not ink saving friendly. Color is used excessively and for no reason. There is blue/green covering 80% of each page, blood red boxes, that are too close to the text, contrast jarringly with the blue. The last two pages of the Legalise and OGL are full color as well. 19 Pages of full color with no original art, and no real purpose to the color. A black and white copy would not only have been easier on the eyes to read, but much more economical.
I would have been happy to discreetly bring up these production issues with the author, outside of this review, but I could find no way to do so. No publishers website is listed. No author or Publisher contact information is included on the document.
CONTENT 4 out of 5
APPEARANCE 2 out of 5
I would sincerely suggest the author consider adding an ink friendly black and white version with a subtler layout.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your frank words, sir. Being new to the aesthetic design and print economics front, I expected to get dinged here and there for my first presentation, but, as you have said, the content itself is what I know. The intent was to use an almost comical mixture to convey a sense of Gnomishness to the document. Apparently, I went a tad too far.
I will be scrapping this design for future work with a Corithian Artificers' slant.
Further, I will be modifying a font or two quickly and producing a black and white copy to bundle with the product to save on your ink costs.
Again, thank you for your frank words and for your patronage. It means a lot to this fledgling endeavour of mine.
-Brad Crouch |
Inked Adventures delivers another great product in Encounter Lairs 4: Barrow Tomb. The artwork is top notch, with a very retro hand drawn style. The set includes 14 figures, a 1 page full color map, a half sized black and white map for the Dungeon Master, instructions and bases. The set is well worth the asking price.
The undead models are great looking and they don't look too specifically like any specific undead race.You can get a lot of mileage out of them using them as skeletons at low levels and something more sinister later on. The robed model is something special and it just screams that it's the leader. I am quite looking forward to using them in my D&D adventures.
The map is beautiful. It is extremely detailed and of course is compatible with the rest of the inked adventures line, or any other line using similar scale (so pretty much everything.)
I gave the set 4 out of 5 stars. All the contents are 5 star material, but I feel the map is a little cramped to try and put 14+ models on it. You don't have to shove 14 models on it, but since that comes with the set I'm sure it will be the knee jerk reaction to try to do, at least it's mine, maybe it's just O.C.D. on my part. Throw in models for the adventuring party and it's standing room only. A 2 page map would have left more room tomaneuver
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the splendid review. I think I was planning to include have a few less figures than this and one discovery I which I made in a play test was that if you print two of barrow plans it is possible to create a slightly longer Barrow. As a DM, I would probably only allow about three adversaries in an area like this. But, let's say for example that the players fail to destroy the right item or monster in time and that undead soldiers from the surrounding area are summoned ... a skeletal army (platoon/squad) pouring forth. The "lair" in this case is probably more of a plot location - a point of focus - rather than a space in which the all of the monsters encountered actually reside. Thanks for picking up on the fact that the models are adaptable to different classes of undead - or at least the level of play can be scaled depending upon the system and preference of the players. Thanks again. Bb. |
A great werewolf and human hunter/survivor great for any modern horror RPG or tabletop Miniatures skirmish. The models are 30mm scale with full front and backside art. Adam Steel has a great art style.
If you've never encountered any of Adam's Occult Terrors line this is a perfect opportunity to get your hands on some.
Thank you Adam, for supplying us with this tasty Halloween treat !!
Great first product, almost perfect.
The Good:
- Variety - lots of D&D type useful adventurer models
- Consistent art style throughout
- Basing Options - Fantanomicon Press went out of there to provide A fold, T fold, and Attached base models
- Black and Whites Included - Letting us easily customize our own, also an added value for the ink thrifty
- Scale - 30mm 300DPI, making them compatible with models by OneMonk, Sanity Studios, Okum Arts, Dark Mook, etc...
The Bad ?? Okay maybe the not so awesome..
- Art Style - Big heads. It makes them a bit more cartoonish than miniature-like . It's an art choice, love it or loathe it, it makes them a little less compatible with similar models from other artists for an OCD player.
- Slight Pixelation can be seen here and there. It looks like somewhere between resizing, rotating, etc.. for the various layouts a little DPI was lost around the edges. It's not bad enough to be distracting, but it is something that should and could be avoided in a professional porduct.
Seriously, for FREE it's a must download, and it sets a good expectation for future products from Fantanomicon Press
This second release to the Serene Fist line, by David Okum, is even better than the unbelievably great fist set.
Even though it's advertised as a 48 figure set (12 poses in 4 colors each), there is actually and unadvertised "Easter Egg" layer with an additional 11 models, 5 of which are unique to that layer. I won't spoil what they are, but there are some whimsical and some mythological in the mix. This brings the set up to 59 figures for the measly price of $ 2.50.
Another nice feature included in this set is that the text is included as it's own separate layer. Allowing you to disable the text when printing and saving you some ink in the process. It's a little feature, but a nice one, and I appreciate it.
Personally, I'd love to see these Serene Fists become the industry standard for paper models. With fantastic art, multiple color choices, and the ability to disable text, I see them as the standard the competition should strive for.
Serene Fist Set One: Monks Vs. Bandits is just what you need to bring those old Kungfu Movies to life on your gaming table. Six Monks and SIx Bandits, available in Orange, Red, Gray, and Green color schemes.
The figures are beautifully l drawn and incredibly characterful.
I'm really looking forward to additional releases in the Serene Fist line.