This is a solid product, building upon the Everytown foundation that was already laid out in the Everytown and the Everytown:First Contact releases.
The thing that really stands out to me in this release is the sense of adventure the scenario brings. Adventure is something that is all too missing in modern RPGs. We see plenty of gunfights, weapons, vehicles, and explosions in modern RPGs...but we don't always see the sense of adventure and the unknown. Getting the Goods injects that sense of adventure, the experience of exploring the unknown. (And if you run the gaming session right, you can get your players nervous and on edge with dramatic tension throughout the story).
Kudos to 93 Games Studio for writing a modern RPG adventure path that didn't fall back on "Here's some bad guys to shoot. They're different from the last bad guys you shot. See, they have different hats and everything!"
It's a good story, and the hints and foreshadowing in the adventure leave me anxiously awaiting next release in the series.