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Wordplay The Big Five

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Wordplay The Big Five
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Wordplay The Big Five
Publisher: D101 Games
by Hamilton R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2011 18:56:13

Wordplay is an excellent RPG generic system. The system works as if PDQ and (a very basic form of) Shadowrun had been smashed together into a single rulebook. The perfect combination of mechanics: simple enough to learn quickly, yet detailed enough to retain depth and scope. The price a little steep for the product, but it's not an unfair amount to pay.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Wordplay The Big Five
Publisher: D101 Games
by Judd G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/30/2010 08:49:54

With its very simple and dynamic trait-based character generation and its fun pool-building and quick rolling resolution system, Wordplay is simply quick and fun.

Any genre, any setting, any flavor of play can be simulated by the rules. The "Big Four" added to the presentation of the main rules are all engaging and show the depth and width of the rules engine.

The system is a mesh of ideas from games like HeroQuest and Burning Wheel with its own fresh flavor that dumps the overhead of those games for something much more turn-key and adaptable.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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