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POW!erful Tales
Publisher: Peryton Publishing
by Eric A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2010 09:41:03

Some really interesting, often unconventional, superhero stories. Several variations on the superhero theme accompanied by pictures from a variety of artists. If you pay attention, the seemingly disparate stories are tied together by the editor into an unexpected over-arching storyline. Very cool.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
POW!erful Tales
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(Dice Games) Ship, Captain, Crew
Publisher: Creative Mountain Games
by Eric A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2010 11:24:57

I'm always looking for games-within-the-game to use in my RPG sessions and this looks like a good one. It's simple enough that you don't waste the whole session explaining and teaching, but still has a unique flavor to distinguish it from real-world dice games and give that other-world feel. Plus, I imagine it's fun, although I admit I haven't tried it yet. The presentation is a little weak, but since this isn't the kind of game where you carry around the rules and refer to them all the time, that's not a serious issue.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
(Dice Games) Ship, Captain, Crew
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The Mom Player Class
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Eric A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2010 11:14:08

This is hilarious. I especially like "Power Word: Sigh." I'm tempted to try and sneak this into my campaign just for the reaction. Don't you think it should be a prestige class, though?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mom Player Class
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Creator Reply:
Well, there are a few prestige classes for mom. There is the Grandmom prestige class, the Evil Stepmother prestige class, Soccer Mom prestige class, etc. You can use your imagination! But I'm glad folks enjoyed this. It was a lot of fun to write.
WHAP Deluxe Pulp Adventure System
Publisher: Peryton Publishing
by Eric A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2010 10:32:57

Full Disclosure: I am a long-distance friend of the Peryton Publishing crowd. While I may have a little personal bias, my correspondence with Tom developed originally from my playing this game at Gen Con (2009) and enjoying it, so I think I can still offer a fair review.

WHAP's mechanics are based mostly on primary attributes that you roll randomly and "inherent skills" derived from combinations of the primary attributes. The core mechanic is to roll against a target number by adding one of these attributes or inherent skills to a pair of dice (six sided - this is all six-siders). There are also perks, secondary skills, "and whatnot" mentioned to flesh out the character, but not much is said about this beyond a page of instructions and one example. The concept is explained clearly enough, but I'd like to see a little more detail for guidance. The business of cobbling together the inherent skills seemed strange to me at first, having never played a game that does this, but in actual play the math is already done and the derived stats make everything relevant in a fun, unobtrusive way.

The game is full of little touches that you might not notice until you start playing it. For example, you might see that a weapon has a 3d+2d damage rating. Why not just say 5d? Because the ASTRO rule lets you keep going if you roll all the same. This gives you a situation where some weapons usually do a fairly typical amount of damage, but then have an increased potential to be surprisingly deadly. The authors would probably have done well to toot their own horn on things like this, but I guess if it works at the table that's all you need.

WHAP loses one star because, like I said, there are spots where it could use more hand-holding and cheerleading to get new readers excited about the rules. It's still a very nice package with good rules and a lot of pulpy attitude and I can tell you from experience both as a player and later as a GM that, in actual play, it delivers.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
WHAP Deluxe Pulp Adventure System
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