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CthulhuTech Core Book
Publisher: WildFire
by ERICK S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/31/2018 19:48:35

I purchased the PDF and hardcover premium heavyweight copy.

The PDF is decent, but it has a few issues in the layout. There are tables where the text is off, with characters from the beginning of a word found a decent way to the right of it: "Charge eam B", "Average r Ca", "Enduring ear F", "Serious njury I", and there are some parts where the text is actually under the pictures on the page. You can still select the text with a mouse and copy + paste the text to a text editor to see what the text is, so it is not too detrimental. The PDF in the initial credits shows "First Printing (Rev. C)" and credits Catalyst Game Labs. Past these few problems, the PDF is great. The content is great, and the pictures are of a high quality. I have no problems with the game itself, though I have not gotten the chance to play the game myself yet.

The hardback credits section shows "First Printing (Rev. D)", and credits Sandstorm Studios instead of Catalyst games. I have so far not seen any layout problems. This fourth revision seems to be complete. Print job: The paper is non-glossy, and it has some of the same problems with printing at home; the book is in full color, which requires a lot of ink and the paper acts like it has water damage. The paper ripples where the picture is the darkest, and there are pages (Usually on chapter beginnings) where the page seems to be curled in the wrong direction because of the amount of ink required to be printed on the page. Another issue is with the artwork; with the non-glossy paper, the pictures have come out darker, which reduces the clean contrast of the pictures between their darkest shadows and brightest highlights. This makes it a little bit harder to tell what the pictures are compared to the PDF where the pictures seem perfect.

Overall, I am definitely happy with my purchase, and I don't regret anything. There are problems, but that should be expected with smaller companies and smaller consumer bases. It is a good product, and worth supporting the companies involved in design, layout, printing, and distribution. It is definitely a good piece to add to a game collection/shelf.

While my expectations are low because of the dates provided, I do hope that one day they finish and release the second edition of the game; if they did, I would definitely be buying both the PDF and print copies of the game. The setting is simply fantastic.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CthulhuTech Core Book
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