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The One Page Dungeon Codex 2009, Deluxe
Publisher: Tabletop Adventures, LLC
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2010 14:59:27

very cool product for which I would have happily paid six or seven dollars. Not only are the dungeons quite good but they are very inspiring (I immediately thought of about five dungeons of my own that I wanted to try in this format). Very well-done and a very fun project. Congrats to everyone involved for pulling off the free product of the year thus far! 4e monsters, feats, and fun!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The One Page Dungeon Codex 2009, Deluxe
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Fey Folio: The Unseelie Court
Publisher: Alluria Publishing
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2010 11:44:29

This is a top-notch product with art that WOTC would envy. Gorgeous lay-out, imaginative creatures, and solid templating. If you have even considered dabbling in the feyrealm this book is a must-have. In particular I love the Vodnik (these water gremlins appear as amazingly sinister!) and the "scorched earth" ability of the Rarog? Very , very cool! Lots of ideas in here that I wish i had thought of!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fey Folio: The Unseelie Court
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Dark Classes: Assassin
Publisher: Broken Ruler Games
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2009 12:52:06

I wanted desperately to love this product...I really did. I loved Green Ronin's Master Class Assassin for 3.5 and I was waiting for someone to do the assassin for 4th edition properly...alas, this one is a near miss.

Don't get me wrong there is some good stuff here, especially early on. The class structure itself is pretty solid (martial striker, hit points, healing surges, skills build options all are well done). But as soon as you get into powers the wheels begin coming off...

The power problems are varied. 1) Don't use the name of a class feature (Prime Shot) as the name of a power, that's just poor design. 2) Some truly unimaginative power names: Move to Kill, Gut, Disguise? Sometimes brevity is a strength in this case it's not. 3) A duplicated at-will. We get 2 copies of Painful Blow instead of whatever the fourth at-will should have been. This is one the FIRST page of powers and you didn't see this? Come on Emerald Press! 4) The "Gut" ability deals 1d6 ongoing BLEEDING. This should be ongoing damage and for sake of accounting should be a fixed number. The extra roll isn't worth it, just make it a fixed ongoing 3 damage and call it a day. "Bleeding" does not seem to be defined as a key term as seems to be used erroneously in place of damage. This "bleeding" term leads to more trouble as we'll see shortly.

Next we come to paragon paths: Poisoneer (no, not Poisoner), Suicide Striker, and Hood. All are fairly good but the Poisoneer has a curious 16th level feature... "Poison Mastery" which says you can force the target to re-roll a saving throw once per day and use the lower of the rolls. That's it, end of text. The effect the target is saving from does not have to be generated by the poisoneer nor does it have to be a save resulting from something with the poison keyword. A good ability but what it has to do with Poison Mastery is beyond me.

Next are a handfull of feats (remember I promised we'd have bleeding issues? well, here they are). The Gaping Wound feat says you can now affect elementals and constructs with the 'bleeding' effect. This seems to be one of those 3.5 throwbacks we see every now and then. Elementals and constructs have no particular resistance to ongoing damage so why not call ongoing bleeding "ongoing damage" as it should be and stop gimping the assassin and confusing players.

We wrap up with some pretty nice unique assassin weapons and that's the end. I did not want to be harsh and I was not in a bad mood when I wrote this. I just believe that we've gotten far enough along in the design of 4the edition products in general and class design specifically to not have to do the amount of work it will take most people to make this product truly useful. At a lower price, I'd give this product 3 stars as it may be worth the work to salvage the framework but as is I can't really recommend it.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Classes: Assassin
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Creator Reply:
I just took a look at our product and can't believe we missed the double at-will powers. It will be fixed and a fresh download will be made available ASAP. My extreme apologies for this error.
Adventurer's Guide to Cthonia
Publisher: Alea Publishing Group
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2009 12:22:46

Wow...where to start? First off let me say DO NOT be disuaded by the price....there is a LOT of material here and if you just want the capsule review here it is. Buy it- 4 out of 5 stars- some really well done crunch and fluff with just some minor nagging execution issues. Now for those who are staying along for the ride, please keep reading.

The Guide to Cthonia features art that enhances the feeling of the setting which I'm going to label Birthright meets Points of Light. This is pseudo-medieval western european done well -with suspicious peasants who trust the 'miracles' of divinie magic but persecute the 'godless warlocks' who practice arcane magicks.

There are sections on incorporating the various classes and races into this rich world. Among these is the new noble class which I found IMMENSELY entertaining. There are new paragon paths and epic destinies which show a decent command of 4th edition structure. There are some minor balance/technical issues with these sections but that seems to be par for the course for 3rd party publishers and I don't count it too heavily against the Alea group.

There is a highly useful character background section and those who have been lamenting the lack of role-playing fodder in 4th edition will gobble this chapter up.

There are feats, an almanac, a new pantheon, and more! Like I said, I don't want to reveal all the tricks APG has up their sleeves but this is a very solid product and I for one WILL be buying the next in the series.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventurer's Guide to Cthonia
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Critter Cache 4: Fey Folk
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2009 14:54:26

Critter Cache 4 is out and I bought it immediately. I no longer need reviews of Goodman Games products in general and any Critter Cache product specifically. All have been top notch and Fey Folk is no exception.

I heartily recommend this product on the strength of the art, formatting, and most importantly to me "evocative creatures'. There are several creatures that beg to be put into an adventure right away. Check out the boggart and it's 'aura of misfortune' uber-fun for DM's everywhere! And the reaper gremlin? He's no movie midget....he's a larger-than-life level 11 elite skullcracker, whose speedy demise ability will send shivers down PC's spines.

There's something for everyone here including potential allies and even a few beings who aren't obvious threats but can certainly become enemies to the player's characters.

In short: Aeryn and the gang have done it again. Another Critter Cache...another success.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Critter Cache 4: Fey Folk
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Critter Cache 3: Animals & Beasts
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/21/2009 14:30:46

Another very solid product from Aeryn and the Goodman gang. This PDF again features classic-style art from the talented Jesse Mohn (his work is really growing on me). In this installment of a series (which I have pledged to buy every one of since the first sold me on the quality of the product) of "critters" we get some very workman-like creatures. The only reason this product did not receive a 5 star vote from me was the very nature of the material did not lend itself to a lot of "wow factor". These are nuts and bolts creatures (wolverines, frogs, etc. can only be so exciting). With that said however the imagination of Aeryn Rudel comes shining through as usual (particularly check out the Olyphant's Stamp and Crushing Weight combo!). I also enjoyed the venomtoad swarm very much and look forward to using them.

This is another case where I'd be hard-pressed to send you in another direction with your $5 of gaming dough. Simply put -buy this Critter Cache and if you haven't bought the first two go back and do so for what I believe are both 5 star products!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Critter Cache 3: Animals & Beasts
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Armor (4E)
Publisher: Creation's Edge Games
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/10/2008 13:39:51

this is a revision to my previous review and an apology I should have contacted Creation's edge prior to posting a negative review. Let me say now that i have a working link this is a LOT of product for a $1. Well done and i will be buying future products as well. Well done and a good investment for those looking for more well-designed and balanced items

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Buck-A-Batch: Magic Armor (4E)
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Armor (4E)
Publisher: Creation's Edge Games
by Jamie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/06/2008 15:17:34

file type is .rar beware i couldnt open it after i bought it :(

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
This technical issue has been resolved. You should be able to download the correct file now. If you’re still having problems please feel free to contact me directly through the Creation’s Edge Games website. Thank you.
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