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Aces & Eights: Fool's Gold $9.99
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Aces & Eights: Fool\'s Gold
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Aces & Eights: Fool's Gold
Publisher: Kenzer & Company
by JD [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2024 15:16:36

Not a bad scenario, not great. 2/3rds of the pages are NPC sheets, plus the NPC stats are also posted in the text, so there's not a lot of actual material. What material given is more plot seeds and the backstory of a town that no longer exists. It does add falling damage to the rather bare-bones A&E rules, so that is useful.

All in all, I guess I got my $5 out of it (bought it on sale), but I can't say it was really great.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Aces & Eights: Fool's Gold
Publisher: Kenzer & Company
by William V. H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2013 12:28:02

Visually this is a stunning product, like all the Aces & Eights material. The NPCs are as detailed as a GM could hope for, although it would have been nice if as much attention had been paid to linking the module to the town setting included with the GM's Addendum rulebook. The overall organization is decent, and the boxes with adventure and dialog possibilities for GMs based on the actions of their players are helpful. They do consume a fair amount of space, though, making the adventure seem more involved or substantial that it actually is. On the whole it's a great product for those new to a Frontier setting but experienced GMs might wish for more "meat" in the adventure and less in the way of window dressing.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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