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KidWorld the Role Playing Game
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KidWorld the Role Playing Game
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KidWorld the Role Playing Game
Publisher: Vajra Enterprises
by Andrew P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2012 09:15:59

FYI, I haven't actually played this game yet but the mechanics at least seem sound in my head. However, the world description, background information, and rest of the text were so well written and engaging that I read through it like a novel. There weren't a whole lot of pictures but at the same time, there weren't many new concepts that needed to be explained visually and fluff pictures would have just taken up space better used by the excellent writing. I do need to warn you that this is probably the single most horrifying game book I've ever read. You can play either a blind adult dependent the mercy of sociopathic children or a sighted child perpetually on the run from insane eyeball eating adults. There are more options than that, but none are especially pleasant. After reading the book, I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares that night. Even if I wind up never running the game, it was easily worth the price just for a good read.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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