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The remote is Screaming from Evil Beagle games is a fun addition to the long list of 3rd party publishers for Savage World RPG system.
Bill Keyes and Lee Garvin llsets up a well done sourcebook for any players that want to have a crack at the paranormal investation genre that as taken the reality tv world by storm.
Remote is screaming gives playerrs and GNs enough info to run a solid game here. Perfect for one shots or a shout few sessions game.
The books has a nice setting background and adds a few new skills and powers to personize your game into a Ghost Hunting, Dead files Paranormal school game. I loved the network that was created just for these shows in the book and the NPCs and monsters are right out of the trope that most of these shows use.
A seslllion can be run right out of the book with almost no prep, as characters are provided, but llthere is enough info for character creation and a few tables to create cursed objects and plot seeds for many of an adventure.
The book is nicely laid out with some cool artwork and photos to give a nice feel for this genre.
A couple of minor nitpics, while most of the art work is fine, a few of the NPCs art is a bit on the basic side. This really clashes with the better artwork at times.
A quibble I have with a lot of books recently is that there is not an index. Grented for a book this size it might not have been needed, but I always prefer one.
The PDF is produced well and for the most part easy to read. Printing this book ut in color at home would be pricey, but as a home laser printer, the pages looked crisp and readable.
8 dollars for this PDF is a bagain. Savage world fans should love this fun , silly and a bit scary addition to the setting for this system
To be sure, the Savage world basic rule book is needed and I think the Horror set of addone rules would be a big help.
Men & Monsters of Ethiopia: An RPG Sourcebook for 5th Edition
by Michael O. Varhola
Men and monsters of Ethiopia is a somewhat different sourcebook for a system like 5th D&D. This book gets players and GMs out of the western Europe setting that most players are used to and takes them to a more desert and dry environment that most Players are not familiar with, and to very good effect.
The book is just full of new monsters and NPCs for this new setting. The NPCs are very well done and are my favorite part of the book A competent GM should be able to come up with many types of encounters with these NPCs and should have a large range of reactions ranging from information gathering, to dire combat.
The monsters range from the mildly irritating, to extremely deadly. The ARWEAN DRAGON was my favorite of the bunch, and I am really looking forward to putting this Dragon in my game.
The monsters listings have a detailed description. I think lots of plot seeds are in these descriptions and the start of many adventures are in here.
The book over all is well laid out and easily printed on my Black and white lazer printer. The color pages looked ok in grey scale. The line are is quite nice and prints out well. The color pages on my rather cheap ink jet printer look good and are easy to read for the most part.
If I have a complaint about the book, I would have liked to have seen a bit more background on a fantasy setting for Ethiopia, perhaps a small part of the Kos World that Skirmisher books also publishes. A fe more photos of what Ethiopia looks like would have been helpful to describe what the various terrain looks like
Also, the one page on Religion is a bit terse and could have used some extra information.
These are minor nit pics and the books is worth the price.
Ill be looking forward to more such location books from Mr Varhola, so use those frequent miles , Bub, and get cracking….
Skirmisher Publishing has released another in a line of inexpensive little PDFs that will make a GMs game a bit better
100 Oddities for a Creepy House is a fine example of what just a few details can do for a RPG game. There isnt anything ground breaking here, just a few lists to add some detail and some flourish to any haunted house. While the feel is mostly for a modern setting, just a few tweeks and these Oddities can be used in nearly any setting.
There is also a short article about how to use the list and how to expand the items into plot hooks
I like the pay as you go style of price setting. I paid$ 1.25 and the PDF was totally worth it.
I should add that the mini book here is well laid out, easy to read and prints nicely in my laser printer.
For the cost of a cola or a candybar, this is a great little gem.....dont just stand there, buy this PDF so we can get more...
As usual, the lads from Skirmisher have done another fun little gem for the Mutant Future game.
This little Wisdom zine has some cool, if not a little outlandish, Artifacts that will spice up any post-apocalyptic setting a GM could run.
This selection of items are a bit on the very high tech side of the scale, making them almost magical in effect, but that was what the author was going for, and for the most part it works pretty well
The healing bot is the best of the group, as its abilities are useful, but come at a cost and has the added bonus of being the starting or ending point of a grand adventure. The potential comedy effects of the healing device are also full of gaming goodness.
For a dollar, you just cant go wrong with most of the Wisdom line. I hope at some point, a collection of these issues under one cover comes out.
I gave it a 5 star rating, for usefulness, a very good layout and general giggles at some of the items......Remember Mutant Future is a totally over the top game and setting, subtle is not one of its strong points....so keep that in mind when reading .......
Once again, the Skirmisher folks have released another silly generator for your RPG needs.
Because, every GM need a brothel generator...trust me on this...
Its not only a name generator, but also has madam names, pimp names, and the various positions and even STD that can be caught at your fantasy brothel...and brother, some of them are dozies...
Lets get serious, I am not sure that many GMs are actually gonna be using this in their games, but this is a well spent dollar just to read the many names and combos that can come up.....
I sure would liked to be a fly on the wall watching Mr Thrasher explaining the various files on his computer that he had to download for "research" for this generator...to his wife.....I am sure Fun was had by all.....I would have also liked to have been at the meeting where this idea was being pitched.... ..
OK, this is a fun little product from the Skirmisher line, and as all of the other PDFs, its a dollar and worth it just to read and laugh over. Trust me, you can't find this much fun for a dollar anymore, so its worth the cost of a candy bar to check it out....
I printed a few of the pages on my laser printer, a Samsung 2510 and it looked nice and crisp....no issues there....
SO its perfect for a Valentines gift...for ...well come back to me on that one and Ill think of something....
As with some of my other reviews...I did get this as a review copy, but trust me, I would have happily paid the dollar for it...
Plants often get over looked in fantasy and Sci fi RPG games, and this little issue does a bit to fill in the blanks, for at least a post apocalyptic setting anyway.
The write ups are nice, especially for the large mind controlling tree that has a nice horror setting to it.
The pictures with the issue are well done, and give the issue an almost field guide look to the entire issue, its a nice touch.
Its worth picking up.
This is a very nice set of maps/playing area that can be used for role playing games. While designed for fantasy RPGS, this set of hedge mazes could easily be used in a modern setting, everything from a horror setting trying to find, or get away from a madan, to a modern Spy setting as agents try to find and even kill each other.
The pages are nice and crisp. the set up is modular and the pages can be set up in a lot of different ways to give a GM lots of layouts and designs to pick from. The pages look nice on the playing table and most size minis should fit in the squares. I used a black and white printer and got ok results. the maze pops when using color, but a serviceable look can be achieved with black and white.
If I have a minor fault with the set, its that printing at home could be a bit expensive. Many of these pages are very ink intensive and could cost quite a bit printing at home.. A suggesting would be to print one or two pages and see how well your home computer printer will print it out....I had the local office supply store print out mine. It was not cheap, but I have them on cardstock paper and it was worth the investment.....a few of the edges are a bit fuzzy, but its not a deal breaker....
If printing at home, I would use cardstock paper....its not cheap, but worth the extra cost for the durability
For the cost of a soda and bag of chips, the budget GM can get a nice set of mazes that is resuable and would be a lot of fun to fight in or try to solve a nice puzzle .......
For the record, before you read my review, I have received free books and maps in the past from Mr Thrasher, but I did pay for this one.
Cavern of the Crimson Cult is a map much like what you would have found back in the early days of the RPG hobby. Modules were printed on cheap paper and maps were hand drawn by folks with a lot more enthusiasm that actual skill. Nothing wrong with at all, just giving a heads up.
For the price of a can of soda, the buy gets a hand drawn (or at least , looks like one) map of a series of caves and Caverns. I like the old school of the map, and used correctly in a fantasy RPG, should bring back some nice memories for old school players, and have a nice retro feel for newer players.
I like that the buyer gets several styles of the map, ranging from a low ink blank and white version thats good for home printing, to a nice color version thats perfect to get done at the local printer shop like Staples.
The map comes with a simple description of each room. No stats are given, but enough is given that anyone with any monster book for pretty much any system can fill in the blanks. I think thats cool, but a few folks might find that a bit of work. I have to admit that having a better description pf the large monster in the deep pool would have been nice, but frankly, Pathfinder, D&D3.5, Savage World, Fantasy Hero all have monsters to pick from, so its not a deal killer for me.
Here is the bottom line....Is this map worth a dollar?? Yes, its a clean map that should be a nice side adventure for nearly any game system, and the printing options are a nice touch.
So skip one soda this week. Buy a map, help a small RPG company make ends meet.
Sonic Legends delivers again with another soundscape thats perfect for RPGs. Derelict Starship is a great example of a music file that sets the mood, but is not so busy that is distracts the players from what a GM is trying to do.
Any GM running a Science fiction, space opera style game should have this on his MP3 player. The track is seemless, so it can be replayed over and over with out notice. While there is a melody to follow in the tract, the atonal sounds give it a nice alien feel. Random sound effects enhance the music but dont over whelm the mood.
The price is right for a 10 minute soundscape. I have bought several from Sonic Legends and plan on buying more.
This is a very nice sound scape for RPG games or just causal listening. The music is quite nice and the added sound effects enhance but do not distract from the mood of the music.
The middle eastern sound is great for a lot of settings and loops very well.
My crew likes these music interludes and I believe these soundtracks will enhance your game.
Minor criticisms, I would have liked a higher bit rate, like 320 or so, but I understand that such a rate would make the file much larger. I would pay a bit more for a FLAC or OggVobis format, but thats just me.
I will buy more of these when the budget permits, and at the price, I think I can afford them soon.