In my opinion, this is one of the best Classic Traveller (CT) adventures for a new GM or party. Many CT adventures take a more sand box approach, but Safari Ship gives the players a mission to accomplish. They have been hired by a biologist who wishes to discover (and name after himself, of course) a new, beautiful life form, rumored to exist on a backwater world halfway across the subsector. The players are hired on at the last minute as his crew, and begin a race across the subsector to find, capture and catalog this new creature in time to present it at an upcoming convention.
Needless to say, things do not go smoothly.
In addition to the adventure, this supplement has an exceptionally detailed write up of the "Animal" class Safari Ship, including floor plans and quite a lot (for Classic Traveller) of interior and exterior illustrations, done by William H. Keith, Jr., who needs no introduction to fans of Classic Traveller artwork. I wish that every Classic Traveller ship (especially the Scout/Courier and Free Trader) had been given this much love and attention.
The book also includes the subsector data for District 268, where the adventure is set, some rules for hunting and a set of Animal Encounter tables for use on the destination world. The GM is referred to Supplement 2, Animal Encounters for additional encounter tables for use outside the creature's habitat.
And the book has one final surprise, which I won't share just in case it turns out to be a spoiler.
On the technical side, this book is well scanned, though in some places the text is a little hard to read. I did not see any outright illegible spots though.