This is a good solid product as a gamer's/GM's aide. The floor plans are a little strange to my south-western eyes, but I suppose they might make sense in the context of a major city where space is at a premium like New York or Chicago.
Floor plans are provided in a top-down "bird's eye" view as well as an orthogonal projection (sort of 3D-ish) to provide some perspective on heights of objects and so on. Scales are not provided, but are internally consistent, so you can easily determine what's human sized and so on. There is some scaling info (total size of the building or whatever), so again, it's not impossible to figure out.
Most of the floor plans have at least one, and several have multiple, plot hooks provided with them -- an excellent addition to this particular floor plan set. Additionally, there are blank square grid and hexagonal grid sheets included in the back of the .pdf.
The reproduction by DriveThru met their usual impeccable standards. I rate this one a "4," if for no other reason than because it is merely a play-aid and not a fleshed-out product per se. Still, if you need some stock locations in a hurry, this one works pretty well.