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CT-F Legend of the Sky Raiders
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 21:39:26

As with the other Sky Raiders products, i liked this series of adventures for the most part.

On the plus side, the adventure is solid, the detail enough to provide many clues and ideas to expand the Sky Raider saga to other areas in your campaign. The maps were well done and they print nicely. The characters are detailed enough that you get a sense of what they are about. For a GM that is key.

On the down side, the print quality for some of the pages is pretty low, and some of the hand drawn figures just look awful when you try to print them. Thats a real shame, since several of the pictures are key pieces to the puzzle. I am definitely not an artist and i struggle to recreate the detail in the figures in this book. Unfortunately, the page printouts of this just arent much use either. As with many of the adventures, i really wish that they would have done more with the animals. The product designers go ahead and mention some of the animals but the others are just generic. It really would have been nice if they just would have made the encounter charts full up with their own animals instead of falling back on generic animals. I really didnt like the subsector and sector where this product was placed and i would suggest just ditching it completely.

Overall again an excellent product and series. You can't go wrong with this one although it will need to have some work done on it first to be included in your campaign.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CT-F Legend of the Sky Raiders
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CT-F The Trail of the Sky Raiders
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 21:31:34

The best of all of the FASA adventures is the Sky Raiders saga. I enjoyed them for the most part, but as with many of the FASA adventure products i found something not to like.

On the good side, i thought the adventure had depth and substance and i could see easily expanding the scope of the Sky Raider legend over a larger area of the Far Frontiers sector and making it its own campaign for someone looking to be an Indiana Jones archeologist type. There is enough information here to put together the basics of a good campaign. Heck, you already have a large portion of it just with the Sky Raiders saga. The maps are well done and i think they print nicely. The maps are pretty easy to reuse on other adventures too if you are in a pinch for a world or location.

On the down side, i always really hated how FASA did the Far Frontiers sector. The maps are just not what i would have liked to see and the political entities are laughably thin as far as being believable. I normally throw out the whole Far Frontiers background that is submitted with this and just use my own ideas.

Print quality is again OK, but there were some spots where the document just didnt look right and printed very badly. The pictures included in the text were mediocre, but i understand what the designers were trying to do. They just look low tech by todays standards.

Good product overall and you cant go wrong with this story line, just dont use the default setting.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CT-F The Trail of the Sky Raiders
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CT-G Wanted: Adventurers
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 21:22:04

Overall, the best i can say is... meh.

This product just leaves a lot to be desired in terms of detail and quality. The pdf images are hard to read and a bit hazy in parts and don't really print well.

On top of that, the details in this document just really arent there. There are a few adventures that are interesting, but they require so much modification in some cases to make them useful that i really felt like it was more of a hassle using them than just making up my own.

There are some decent adventure ideas in here, but overall, i really wasnt all that happy with this just due to the quality of the adventures that were in it.

The price is good, just not low enough to warrant me recommending anyone buy it.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
CT-G Wanted: Adventurers
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CT-F Rescue On Galatea
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 21:15:49

Of all of the FASA Adventures, i would have to say that this one was my favorite. I believe that the story and background is well written and thoughtful, and i think there are myriad nuances and small items that are included in the story to make this more of a thinking mans adventure than a hack and slash.

As always, i wish they would have made the encounter matrices less generic and more tailored to the product, but i cant really take any points off for that minor issue.

The map quality is pretty good for this product and I was overall very happy with them.

Overall good product and again a good adventure for someone looking for something just a bit different.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CT-F Rescue On Galatea
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CT-F Ordeal By Eshaar
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 21:09:28

I'm a big fan of the FASA ship layouts. For the adventures, i'm not so much a fan.

That being said, i did enjoy this adventure for some of the ideas and motiviations that were outlined in it. The adventure really was an attempt to provide depth to the standard campaign adventure, and in that aspect is succeeded for the most part. I very much enjoyed the use of the political angle on the adventure, and it seemed to be well thought out.

For all the work that was done on the adventure, i was a bit disappointed by the figures that went with it. They seemed to be kind of tacked on or created at the last moment, and i normally just disregard them and use my own.

The encounters are standard fair and really probably could be just replaced with your own ideas, but at least it gives it a starting point. It would have been nice if the environment and the creatures were more fleshed out, but this was done so long ago, i have to cut them some slack on that.

Overall good product and a decent adventure to include in any campaign that wants something just a bit off the beaten path.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CT-F Ordeal By Eshaar
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Spinward Salvage LIC
Publisher: Mongoose
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 21:02:41

While normaly not a big fan of the COMSTAR products, i actually very much enjoyed getting this one.

This package has enough background information to be useful as well as providing some good starter adventures to make this something that you can reintroduce to your campaign again and again.

I'm a big fan of deckplans and this product had enough to make me happy. All of them weren't knock your socks off great, but they were all useful in some manner. I really liked the fact that the exterior views werent in black but done in grayscale, making it easier to see when printing.

I wish the competitors had been fleshed out more, but i can't really knock the product for that.

I was very happy with this product as a source of ship layouts, background info and adventure ideas.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Spinward Salvage LIC
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CT-F ACS-1 FASA Adventure Class Ships, Volume 1- For Traveller
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 20:55:47

I'm a big fan of the FASA ship products, since they normally provided several ships with enough diversity to make the product a value in whatever campaign you are running.

I very much liked the inclusion of the Zhodani ships in this supplement, since i've always had a real hard time defining what i thought a Zho ship looked like. When i saw these designs they just felt "right" for the way i envisioned the Zhodani to be. They provide that menace on the exterior with the functionality on the interior.

Excellent price and good number of ships. The black backgrounds on the ship exterior views are the only negative i can see, since they really look crummy when trying to print.

Other than that, no complaints at all.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CT-F ACS-1 FASA Adventure Class Ships, Volume 1- For Traveller
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FASA Classic Traveller Adventures [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 20:51:09

This one was well worth the money due to the bundling of several fairly decent titles into one product for a more than fair price. As you can probably tell, i like the bundles and always look for them first if i'm in the market for adventures or rules.

The individual scenarios included i'll review separately.

Overall excellent value

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FASA Classic Traveller Adventures [BUNDLE]
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TNE-0000 Understanding Traveller: The New Era
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 20:48:18

Overall, this was a decent summary of the materials available for TNE.

I liked the description of how TNE was different from CT, and i believe that this is important in trying to figure out what era the player and GM want to use for the Traveller game.

The problem with this one is that really none of the items available for the TNE universe are listed or described at all. There isnt even a listing of the books that make up the TNE core materials.

So, it's got some good points but not enough for me to rate it higher.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
TNE-0000 Understanding Traveller: The New Era
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CT-F Action Aboard: Adventures on the King Richard
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 20:43:51

I really would have liked to see full size maps in this, instead of the small and rather dull maps that were provided. The text is acceptable, but there could have been a lot more done to provide details on the ship and its history. The quality of the print is poor in some spots and the text just seems to be a little too washed out in places.

There is enough here to put together a decent story, but the background and some of the characters arent really believable to me, but that may be a personal preference.

Overall, this title was OK. I'm marking it down one notch as well, since i see that they just put out the maps as a separate supplement when they really should have been included in this package.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
CT-F Action Aboard: Adventures on the King Richard
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Guide To Classic Traveller
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 20:37:09

This is a good listing of the products that are part of the CT universe. I wish there was a bit more description of each of the items though, but that is a minor issue at best.

It would have been nice to have a quick overview of the differences between CT and the other versions, but again, a very very minor issue.

I liked the views of the front covers so you could actually make a visual identification and i liked the listing of the products at the end.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Guide To Classic Traveller
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FASA Classic Traveller Deck Plans [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Michael G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2010 20:32:16

I like the bundle format for these types of maps, and the number and diversity of maps were exactly what i was looking for.

The quality is good for the most part, and i had no problems printing any of them. Obviously, the price was the best part.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
FASA Classic Traveller Deck Plans [BUNDLE]
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