I was pleasantly surprised by this product, not having much in the way of knowledge of this. I just really needed a space station map and saw one. Since i'm not handy with a pencil when it comes to drawing, i normally try to find materials and either repurpose them slightly or just strip them of their backstory and use them in some other capacity. In this case i actually used a good portion of the storyline and the deck plans.
I'd recommend this product for the deckplans alone, but the rest of it isnt too shabby either.
Since i wasnt overall really impressed with the individual items, it is hard to rate this bundle really highly. However, the price is very good compared to buying the individual pieces.
This is another product from PP that was OK, being very similar to Vanguard Reaches. I wish there was more information there, and i unfortunately didnt care much for the way things were set up here, so i rarely use the information in there. That's person preference though, and I believe that there are some little nuggets of information that may be useful to a GM.
I LOVE maps. I love this map too, because it gives me some ideas on how things are spaced out and how the sector looks.
The biggest down side that i really see is that the map has a black background which makes it incredibly hard to print out. It would have been great if they had included a black text on white background also.
Also, it would have been nice if it was broken down by subsector.
Overall good product that could have done a bit more to make it more end user friendly.
I LOVE maps. I love this map too, because it gives me some ideas on how things are spaced out and how the sector looks.
The biggest down side that i really see is that the map has a black background which makes it incredibly hard to print out. It would have been great if they had included a black text on white background also.
Also, it would have been nice if it was broken down by subsector.
Overall good product that could have done a bit more to make it more end user friendly.
Really nothing more than a random name generator. Any GM could probably come up with these by themselves if they put a little time into it. It's good to have in a crunch, but i wouldnt buy them to be quite honest.
This is just an incredibly detailed and amazingly complex set of rules that really can cover just about any event or action that you can consider. I loved the character generation rules and i see where the basic concept was carried on in other games later on.
I still have my dog eared copy of the original book but wanted to get this one as well.
It's sad that such a detailed set of rules had such awful adventures to go with them, but i guess that is just one of the reasons it never really took off. Too bad really.
The bonus of having the equipment included in this package made it worth the price.
This is why i really bought SO. The ships, although you can definitely tell they are dated in the design side of things are just too good to pass up. I use the designs provided in this and the other Seldon's supplements in my Traveller campaigns in just about every era. I'm going to dust off the SO brain cells soon and see if i can run a SO campaign as well.
This is why i really bought SO. The ships, although you can definitely tell they are dated in the design side of things are just too good to pass up. I use the designs provided in this and the other Seldon's supplements in my Traveller campaigns in just about every era. I'm going to dust off the SO brain cells soon and see if i can run a SO campaign as well.
This is why i really bought SO. The ships, although you can definitely tell they are dated in the design side of things are just too good to pass up. I use the designs provided in this and the other Seldon's supplements in my Traveller campaigns in just about every era. I'm going to dust off the SO brain cells soon and see if i can run a SO campaign as well.
Another of the so-called "adventures" that were done for SO, this one is pretty skimpy. I liked the layouts that were provided and some of the details, but overall, this just doesnt seem to be worth buying. A GM with a little amount of time could do much better.
This product, while not quite as skimpy as the other SO adventures, just really didnt have enough there to warrant purchasing it. I would like to think that it is worth the price, but any halfway decent GM could come up with way better if they just sat down for a few hours and cranked up their pencil and brain.
I always loved the way that Space Opera made you feel larger than life. That was really the whole point of the game, even though sometimes it was way over the top. The detail in every level was just amazing and I just thought it was the best thing since sliced bread when it first came out.
Unfortunately the adventures, if you can call them that, were never any good and were really more a collection of basic information that i could have rolled up myself in a few hours if i wanted to. Completely lacking in the details that i think need to be included to make this a product that i wanted to invest more time in, it really just ended up sitting since i know i could do better.
Not sure why i bought this, since i've usually been disappointed with the SO supplements, but i guess nostalgia got the better of me.
Overall this is an OK product, but i guess i just didnt find enough to make me more interested in them. Some bits of useful information but not enough for me to download any more.
Overall this is an OK product, but i guess i just didnt find enough to make me more interested in them. Some bits of useful information but not enough for me to download any more.