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The Dungeon Alphabet $7.99
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The Dungeon Alphabet
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The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Mars H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2018 12:14:09

A is for Absolutely Awesome Adventure Addition! B is for Bad-Ass. C is for Creative, Conscise Compendium. D is for Damn; how did I get along without this? E is for Every DM, Judge or Game Master can find something to enhance their RPG sessions here. F is for Friggin' order it already. G is for Goodman Games does it again. H is for Helpful. Which describes this product in a nutshell. I is for I won't be listing the rest of the Alphabet. But, I think you get what I'm trying to say here. THE DUNGEON ALPHABET is worth every penny in inspired ideas alone. The fact that it's been updated is even cooler. Thanks Michael Curtis for yet another essential tool for the tabletop.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Christopher H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/29/2016 09:56:17

Easily one of the best books I've ever read for:

  • putting a dungeon together
  • getting creative flames lit
  • entertaining
  • roll tables for things you'll actually use

It is an easy read, and can get you to snap out of your normal creations and into something new. Your players will thank you for it!

Great value and worth every penny! This is an essential part of your DM toolkit; get it.

Bring your dungeons to life with all these awesome options.

Oh, and the artwork is incredibly good.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by chris b. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2015 00:16:10

The Dungeon Alphabet was exactly as advertised and just what I was looking for. There is an "old school" feel about it which could be a bad thing for newer players but for older ones like myself it was great. The artwork also had that retro feel to it which was funny and reminiscent of early Dungeons and Dragons. Only minor complaint was there is a newer version with more tables but it's not available for download. Thanks to the creators of this whimsical product, I'm quite sure I'll use it a lot.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Ole A. H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/03/2012 04:40:55

Such profound inspiration is hidden in this unassuming tome. This is the stuff from which legendary adventures are born - i wish all rpg products displayed so much originality and love for its subject.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Ben B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/12/2012 01:14:04

I bought this on a lark and loved it!

Full of very good, inspirational material, the alphabet is really a nice random springboard for adventures/encounters, etc. that reaches far beyond simple geomorphs and monster tables. Well worth the price for reading fun alone for anyone into RPGs/DM'ing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by James S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2011 19:13:51

During the first few months of last year, my cash flow was a little restricted. So, when RPGNOW put The Dungeon Alphabet pdf on sale for a little over $5, for GM’s day, I bought it and printed it out. I was quite happy with my printout, but when I heard that the first printing of the HC had Sold Out, The Collector spoke up and immediately wanted a copy! A couple of weeks later, when tooling around on ebay, I found the copy mentioned above and snagged that sucker! It arrived yesterday and The Collector is quite pleased!

Ah, but the book itself! It’s an Old School Feast! A dream tour of the Archetypal Dungeon. A delightful gestalt of Imagery, Essays and Random Tables, which combine to form a most inspiring whole.

There’s a short essay for each letter of the alphabet. C is for Caves, U is for Undead and so forth. The little essays discuss the topic chosen for the letter, describing its place in the overall idea of the Dungeon and discussing how it might be encountered, or experienced in the underworld. Each page features Old School art, wonderfully illustrating the subjects of the alphabet entries. Lastly, each entry has a Random Table, providing excellent ways to manifest these ideas in your dungeon! The entry for B has two tables and some of the tables have multiple parts or sub-tables.

My Favorite entry, is Y Is For Yellow! The accompanying Peter Mullen Illustration is superb! The Essay and Random Table, combine with the art, to splendidly evoke the sinister nature of that weird color. I enjoyed every single entry, of course and I’m itching to sit down and design a Dungeon!

The Sepher Yetzirah, a famous Qabalistic work, describes how God created the Universe, utilizing the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The rich information found within The Dungeon Alphabet, will serve any DM well, as he/she goes about the business of creating a Dungeon Masterpiece!

If you appreciate Old School, you’ll love The Dungeon Alphabet.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Joe K. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/06/2010 11:16:35

The Dungeon Alphabet is a call back to old school methodology in filling a dungeon. Not necessarily with specific monsters, but more importantly with the character of old school. This is literaly, an A to Z reference, with each letter getting its own single entry. The print version clocks in at $9.99 in hardcover, so I'm scratching my head at the $7.99 price for the PDF. It's almost like Goodman is daring you to buy the print version in hardcover.

One of the biggest nods to the old school direction, has to come in the artists picked for this project. I'm no lore taker of the old school, but I've been playing since 85' and recognize the very distinctive cover art of Erol Otus. While I'm not sure of the credentials of many of the interior artists, I instantly recognized Jim Holloway's art work. His many illustrations back in Dragon magazine were an easy catch. Other artists may not fit that old school in terms of their origin point, but most of them do a great job of giving the book a fairly coherent look. For example, Peter Mullen has a two page interor cover shot that mimicks the style of Otus quite well. Other interior illustrations are done in the style of old school art. For example, a group of adventurers opening up a chest is a classic iconic image from the older days. On page 19, we get a solid full page illustration of that very event.

After skipping introductions, cover splash pages and other goods, the book's meat is roughly from page 6 to page 46. The text is relatively light in the book on many entries. For example, under D is for Doors, the table is a roll of a d20 taking up probably less than half the page if adjusted for the large text and the spacing. If the reader is looking for a massive reference work, AEG's Toolbox and Ultiamte Toolbox are far more useful for such projects.

However, if the reader is looking for a light hearted book that has a lot of charm of old school, without relying on any rules, this book is a hit. For example, we get W for Weird and Z for Zowie. In today's modern gaming, those two elements aren't necessarily embraced as they once were. With a quick roll of a d20, you could find a gallery of bear statues that resembles the party. It's touches like these that make the book well worth reading all the way through and finding the bits you'll be most likely to use. With its short tables, it's not likely that the book would see much use before duplicates start cropping up. Using it instead as a guide for your own imagination is the far more suitible use for this book.

The other huge benefit is the art work. While it may not be for everyone, it does scratch that old school itch.

It is my hope that Goodman Games produces other Alphabet books of a similair size and price; Wilderness Alphabet, Urban Alphabet, and others, all done up in this style, could easily be well worth the investment.

If you're looking for a long term utility book that is mostly text and light on the art, this product is not for you. If you're looking for a product where you can roll a d20 on the hallway table and find that it's chocked with dusty webs and obscrues all vision with some old school art sensibilites, this book is for you.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Alphabet
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/29/2010 00:05:12

This is such a clever product: old school in style and sensibility, yet universally applicable; funny and entertaining, yet actually useful; lighthearted, yet richly detailed. Under headings such as "A is for Altars," "D is for Doors," "O is for Oozes," and so on, the Dungeon Alphabet presents 26 random tables from which DMs can get both good laughs and good ideas for dungeon dressing. Take, for example, "N is for No Stone Left Unturned" (pp. 25-26). This particular table offers twenty entries describing places where something might be hidden. "Under a loose flagstone" and "underside of a table/desk" are two of the less imaginative entries; I won't mention the more imaginative entries, for the sake of DMs who might use the tables for their own dungeons. I particularly liked the tables for A (altars), G (gold), M (magic), and S (statues). I found the first of two R (rooms) tables more entertaining than useful, but I can easily see myself consulting the second R table non-randomly for ideas about rooms to put in a dungeon. If you're looking for a product where every single entry is useful and no space is "wasted" on humor, you might grouse about a few entries in this book. If you can approach the book without taking it too seriously, open to everything it has to offer, you'll not be disappointed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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