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Blackdirge’s Bargain Templates: Templar
Publisher: Blackdirge Publishing
by Michael E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2010 14:10:41

This is a great template - especially if you enjoy making holy/unholy based villains. It adds some nice powers to make it fir the "elite/leader role" and can turn even a kobold into a solid elite leader! Definitely worth the price of a Whopper Jr... for a more detailed review, check out the Neuroglyph Games Website at

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blackdirge’s Bargain Templates: Templar
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Blackdirge's Bargain Templates: Trollborn
Publisher: Blackdirge Publishing
by Michael E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2009 10:40:18

This is an awesome template for making some great elite monsters from beasts and humanoids of all kinds. The template is straightforward and easy to apply to 4e creatures, especially if you are a DDI subscriber and run Adventure Tools.

You can check out a detailed review of this product at

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blackdirge's Bargain Templates: Trollborn
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Risen (EPIC Edition)
Publisher: Broken Ruler Games
by Michael E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2009 06:23:05

RISEN (The Guide to Resurrected Characters) is a Player-Character supplement detailing seven new Paragon Paths usable with any D&D 4e Campaign Setting. The Paragon Paths in the supplement come complete with Path Features and Powers conforming to the standard set in Official WotC D&D products. In addition, each Path is given 5 to 12 new Paragon Feats based upon their Resurrected identities. There are also 4 new magic items that are used to exemplify the “relics” that might be attributed to a Resurrected Character as his legend grows.

The seven Paragon Paths detailed in this e-book are based upon the simple criteria that the Character died, and then the circumstances of how the Character died. The Author does provide rules that would allow a Heroic Tier adventurer to begin showing attributes of their eventual RISEN Paragon Path, which could provide some very good role-playing elements as strange signs began to manifest.

Please Check out More of this review at

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Risen (EPIC Edition)
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Critter Cache 5: Daemons
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Michael E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2009 07:56:57

This is a really great product and puts Daemons back in the cosmology of D&D 4e instead of just using a few examples of them as "demons". The additional information added regarding their realm (The Pit of Tartarus) and their history makes them fit nicely back in the multiverse without detracting anything from established "official" releases. For more recommendations, I have a more detailed review on my blogsite at

Great product and well worth looking into!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Critter Cache 5: Daemons
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Critter Cache 6: Lovecraftian Bestiary
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Michael E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2009 17:36:45

Wrote a review of this product - here's an excerpt of my review:

"The forty-two page supplement covers over thirty Monsters from the collective works of H.P. Lovecraft. In addition, there are seven unique Magic Items found in this work, most of which are scaled over a range from Level 2 to Level 30, so in essence creating over twenty-five items in all. You can also find over twenty original sketches in this supplement, illustrating the blasphemous entities and bizarre items contained therein, to use as game aides and to just further enhance the overall creepiness of the work.

Starting right from the Introduction, I knew that the author was as much a fan of Lovecraftian horror as I was. From reminiscing about his first experiences with the Mythos to lamenting the lack of good Lovecraftian material in the game, I was pretty sure the Author would not disappoint me when I got to the really good, tentacle-flailing, icky stuff.

I am very pleased to report that the Author did not let me down.

After just reading one of the creature entries in this book, it is becomes quite evident that “Blackdirge” has a clear and concise understanding of the Cthulhu Mythos material – as does McFalls, who illustrated the assortment of cosmic terrors lurking between the pages. From the bizarre Powers these fearsome entities possess to the Flavor Descriptions and Lore, “Blackdirge” shows that he is well versed in the language and treatment of Lovecraftian Horror, and makes it very accessible for use in D&D 4e.

Coincidentally, the Author writes his material to be just as accessible to a GM running a Modern 4e Campaign as it would to your typical Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Setting. So it’s really like getting two supplements in one PDF."

Please check out the rest of this review at Neuroglyph Games website -

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Critter Cache 6: Lovecraftian Bestiary
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