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Clanbook: Followers of Set - Revised Edition
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Clanbook: Followers of Set - Revised Edition
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Clanbook: Followers of Set - Revised Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2013 13:45:12

Sinister, subtle and utterly depraved, the Followers of Set gain new ground in this book. How they came to be, their worship of their God, come across as believable and compelling. For the destitute, and, or, the deprived, this clan makes for a cunning ally and a deadly enemy to the unwary mortals who stand in their way. Ancient drives and aims are well described, giving an informative account of the Independent Clans most insidious lot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Clanbook: Followers of Set - Revised Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Courtney S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/13/2007 12:13:25

This is one of the better revised Clanbooks, if not the best. It finally gives the Settites some depth beyond "Ooooooh, were reeeaaally evil, and like snakes.".

It gives a "why" for what they do what they do, a method for their madness, and generally makes these guys interesting as either antagonists or player characters. Which is what a clanbook should do.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
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