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Races of Obsidian Twilight: Lykian (PFRPG) Preview

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Races of Obsidian Twilight: Lykian (PFRPG) Preview
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Races of Obsidian Twilight: Lykian (PFRPG) Preview
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/01/2009 00:49:19

I've read a bit about Obsidian Twilight earlier, and thus, this isn't really the preview I would have liked to see to get a better idea what the setting's about. In terms of the lykians themselves, though, it looks pretty and the text gives a fair amount of background. A couple of unexamined assumptions might have yielded more depth and logic to the race if more thoroughly developed, or ditched if the author couldn't justify them.

Hope the text in the covers shown on the last page will be fixed before release.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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