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Clipart Character Set 1 - Good and Bad Angels *Bargain Bin $0.95
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Clipart Character Set 1 - Good and Bad Angels *Bargain Bin
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Clipart Character Set 1 - Good and Bad Angels *Bargain Bin
Publisher: Art Fantasies
by RAISTLIN W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/03/2010 22:35:48

This package contains a selection of angel images, some in Renaissance-type clothing, some in modern, and a couple in a seriously skimpy outfit. The faces are very good but kind of similar; I wouldn't suggest using more than one of these images in a single project.

The package could really use a copy of the license in .TXT format included. If I choose to use these pictures I'd want to have that on file, not just in the catalog description on this site.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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