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Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny
Publisher: White Wolf
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2009 11:45:44

Glories: The Maidens of Destiny may be the strangest, but also in some ways the most interesting. The Maidens are described somewhat in MoEP: Sidereals, but that is expanded upon here, explaining how they came to be (in their own way) and why they act the way they do. I could easily see them interact with their Sidereals, now.

While the Sidereals don't get any new Charms for their set (because they can't) they do get two new Celestial Martial Arts (Crane style has become one of my favorites) and a new, extremely well-written and well-balanced Sidereal Martial Art, all about passion. They even get Astrological Charms, a brand-new set of incredible effects that they can unlock, but of course with disastrous consequences if used without prudence.

In conclusion, for this is by far some of the best money I've spent on Exalted in quite a while. I would not hesitate to buy a similar product such as this in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny
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Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun
Publisher: White Wolf
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2009 11:45:03

Glories: The Unconquered Sun gives an amazing description of the highest god in Exalted, making him out to be a well-rounded character, with deep compassion, goals, and flaws. Everything you might have thought was an inconsistency in the Sun's personality or how he acted is now explained. A truly epic character that I would not hesitate to put in my game. The mechanics behind his powers are flavorful, fit extremely well, and are mechanically sound.

The Solar Charms are the best we've seen since the core book. They fill a number of gaps in the original set, and add more to the mix. Many are some of the most flavorful Charms I have seen, giving them the truly epic Superman or Herakles vibe that they need.

In conclusion, this is by far some of the best money I've spent on Exalted in quite a while. I would not hesitate to buy a similar product such as this in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun
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Glories of the Most High: Luna
Publisher: White Wolf
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2009 11:43:55

If there's only one you can read, read Glories: Luna. It fills in the details of her character in an incredible way. It always seemed to me, before, that Luna was someone one-dimensional; she had her love for Gaia, had a connection to the Wyld, and could shapeshift. I now know there is so much more to her, and it makes perfect sense (in it's bizzare, bizzare way). There is a beautiful description of the moon itself as well, making me want to go there in my game.

The Lunar Charms fill in many small gaps in the original Charm set, and are very invocative. The Guard Another and Blockade Movement actions are also introduced, which add an incredible amount of new depth to Exalted combat. A new Celestial Martial Art, White Reaper, new Knacks, and specific rituals all about Luna don't hurt either.

In conclusion, this is by far some of the best money I've spent on Exalted in quite a while. I would not hesitate to buy a similar product such as this in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glories of the Most High: Luna
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