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Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun
Publisher: White Wolf
by Amber V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2009 16:01:51

The first of the Glories books, this nifty little pdf is useful to all Exalted games.

It provides: -Insight on the mindset and purview of the Father of the Solar Exalted -Useful, colorful Charms for Solars and Abyssals. Includes a new Martial Arts style for those who wish to emulate the many-armed golden king of heaven -Options for hijacking the Sun and drive it across all Creation, and rules for taking over the Unconquered Sun's purview -A groundview look at the Most High, including legends told by mortals and thaumaturgical rituals

Absolutely worth the hype, and the wait. A steal at $7, though I recommend buying the bundle pack of all Glories books (which are just as good)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun
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