For the record, I've only gotten to read volume 1 right now, but, as long as the rest of the book hews to the same quality, it's easily going to be the best of the Compass Books.
More specifically, the only problem I had with the book is that the first part of chapter 1 consists of a condensed version of some 1e information, when I was hoping to get an expanded version of the same information. However, it was a very good condensation, which didn't lose any meaning and manged to clarify a few things as well. Given the wordcount issues involved I can't blame anyone for this, especially since they've added sidebars in at various points in the book to give further info about life in Autochthonia and other tidbits that add to the info from this section.
Everything else, from the rest of the first chapter about the tunnel folk and Voidbringers, to the chapter about Yugash and Claslat, is pure Orichalcum.
And I have every reason to believe that we're only getting started.