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The Tulmath Sourcebook

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The Tulmath Sourcebook
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The Tulmath Sourcebook
Publisher: Nomadic Delirium Press
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/16/2009 17:57:36

From the species-specific classes here, the Oomusachi Trader is interesting, gaining a series of enhancements to space travel and influence within the Tulmath trade network as well as access to their traditional weapons and improved starships. I found definitely enough here to justify the purchase.

The Macroist/Microist consolidates many fields of science into one and uses this remarkable insight to .. generalise even more, to the point where it barely has a discernable theme to its abilities.

Not much to note about the cultural description or subspecies, besides their reproduction, if that's not detailed in the core setting. Let's not get started on real-world snail sex ..

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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