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Anitangel Miniatures: Fantasy Creatures: Angels $0.00
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Anitangel Miniatures: Fantasy Creatures: Angels
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Anitangel Miniatures: Fantasy Creatures: Angels
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by Jerri C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/24/2014 12:48:52

I loved this set. I liked that there were male angels. I hate it when people always make angels female. Biblically they are usually considered neuter, but their names historically, come out as male. However, I think that the female angels you have here as warriors are awesome.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Anitangel Miniatures: Fantasy Creatures: Angels
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by Oscar S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2011 14:51:10

This set of angels is fantastic! We have the mortal/elestial form of all! Maybe they got punished to be on Earth and they have to do something worthy to regain their wings, or they are angels in disguise helping mortals, only give them a look and the stories will fly!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Anitangel Miniatures: Fantasy Creatures: Angels
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by RAISTLIN W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/24/2010 20:59:13

Gorgeous, gorgeous artwork, and a good variety of a creature type that's underrepresented in miniatures in general (and vastly so in paper minis).

One of my favorite sets.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Anitangel Miniatures: Fantasy Creatures: Angels
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by Jim B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2010 04:16:34

Lots of variety. The incognito versions of the angels make great use as human forms for Angel characters, or simply used on their own as human characters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Anitangel Miniatures: Fantasy Creatures: Angels
Publisher: Jabbro Jones Miniatures
by Dillard R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2009 22:42:24

The multiple layers gives you a great variety of choices in how the standees look. Another great feature of the layers allows you to use a standee NPC incongnito until you want to reveal their real character.

Likes: far gives you a great deal of flexibility

Dislikes: Would have liked to have seen one of those Angels that slew 180,000 soldiers in one night type of angels. Most of the male angels looked a bit anemic.

Overall great work and will be willing to buy other products in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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