The book and material itself is great, and honestly, I think I prefer it t the 20th Anniversary edition over all. The main issue is that this scan is poorly done. Pease redo this for quality, and also add in some bookmarks please. Still, it's a great product and worth the price. It's just in comparison to other White Wolf/Onyx Path products I've gotten via DriveThru, the digital aspects are on the poorer side.
I find the price for an scanned book to be high. Although the scan quality is OK, One thinks its gonna be a digital version of the book not just a book scan. You should sell the actual digital version.
I don't know why the quality issues of this product were raised. At times, the pages are somewhat slanted, but the text of the book is legible and the artwork is fully intact. At times, yes, the text is somewhat blurred, but this only occurs on the pages where watermark images are set against the background and the words can still be read if you concentrate just a little more. The lack of bookmarks is unfortunate, as they would have made navigation throughout the document easier. A scan of the book with modern equipment and filtering could have eliminated some of the blurs and made certain parts a little smoother, I must admit, but otherwise, the book is well recreated. Readers are advised to zoom in to 150% in order to see the text properly.
In fact, the (3rd) revised edition is in parts better than the 20th anniversary edition. The descriptions of the titles are a little more comprehensive and less condensed than the ones in 20th. At times, I thought the book were too thin. The missing names was a little annoying, given the immense volume of 20th. The 3rd edition, on the other hand fleshes out everyone and everything very extensively. All the parts are well formed and come together to make a very complete whole.
View this book with a reputable reader, such as Foxit and on a big screen, so the document can be given a wide berth and for the most part, you won't be disappointed with this product. You might actually find more to like about it than the current edition, which, by all rights is a fine book, but unfinished in places, which the revised edition would fill in.
Overall I have been very disappointed as compared to the werewolf book this PDF is pretty poor , Quality of scan seems worse and main criticism being a lack of interactive table of contents that the werewolf books seem to have and vampire is missing making navigating it really awkward.
This is it, the original. Well, not the original, original, but the revised version. This game is the go to game for playing an angsty, tortured monster. Nearly everything known about vampires in myth or fiction is in here somewhere. Re-reading it today if you had no knowledge of this game you might be tempted to say that this game is full of cliches. But in truth this is the origin of a lot of things that we take for granted.
Truthfully this is a great book to get even if you never plan to play the game. There are plenty of ideas for Role-playing as well as integrating it with LARPing. There is also a lot of ideas for vampires here.
If you like Anne Rice's vampires, then this is the game for you.
Blurry as hell on my 1280x800 Macbook. Ghoul: Fatal Addiction and others are not blurry like this, nor was the 20th Anniversary Edition. Skip this one and spend the extra money on that one.
I tried downloading this and 1/2 the pages were missing from the download. Probably some form of corruption on the way to here. I really want this product, I just can't see why it doesn't work when I get it.
In this humble geek's opinion, the penultimate expression of the Vampire, the ultimate evolution of a fictional creature nearly two thousand years in the making. The only way we could have gone from here was down... Hence Twilight.
White Wolf's iconic game received a not necessarily needed facelift (most likely driven by a desire to raise the flagging sales of supplemental books) in 1998. The 3rd Edition (or just Revised) did end up being cleaner and having a much greater sense of consistency amongst the various books written for it.
"Vampire: The Masquerade" is a triumph of mood & theme over game mechanics. Indeed, the Storyteller system is fantastically simple (until one attempts to play "Mage: The Ascension", and then those arguments over what the various levels of magic powers can do...) and the game runs smoothly with or without a heavy emphasis on the Rules and dice-rolling. V:TM 3rd Edition still has the classic World of Darkness setting and rules. The latter means that there is less reliance on situational and equipment modifiers to dice polls (the target number for success or number of successes needed is still variable).
The version of the book available here, however, leaves MUCH to be desired. There are numerous pages that have a consistent error (see pgs. 68, 70, 75, 79, 81, 92, 98, and 99 in the Clans section) that renders 5 lines of text blurred (or worse) and even affects the section title at the bottom of the pages. This becomes worse in the actual mechanics section as the typical Storyteller System rules explanation (one dot = x, two dots = y) are rendered meaningless as the dots are blurred or represented as being more or less than they are supposed to be (see pgs. 119, 121, 124, 125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 135, etc.).
The quality of this product should be high, but what I received here is so poor that I am going to be asking for a full refund. Indeed, I think I would be better off simply scanning my old print copy one page at a time than trying to deal with what is presented here. Good game, bad presentation.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for leaving the review. Unfortunately the archived files for this book were lost so this download is built from a scanned original. We do want to offer the best reproduction possible, so we looked into the page numbers identified in the review but did not find the problems cited in the review. Perhaps the problems observed were caused by non-standard PDF reader software being used. |
A Game of Personal Horror
This is a game about the darkest areas of humanity, or should we say, the the lack of humanity. Vampires are creatures of the night, monsters which hunt for mortal blood. Their food. Their drug. Vampires are not superheroes with fangs or epic heroes. Vampires were people that recieved a thousand year old curse.
Vampire, in many cases, is a game about fighting to hold onto the last threads of your humanity, and not being subdued by the beast. The book sets up a world much like our own, where Vampires hide among the mortal masses, feeding off them like parasites. As a result, the world is darker than our own, where crime and poverty are more common. Within Vampire, or Kindred as they call themselves, society, there are two main sects, with multiple sub-factions. The Camarilla upholds a masquerade, hiding itself from the eyes of humanity. The Sabbat are Kindred who directly oppose the Camarilla, seeking to subjugate the mortal masses.
The art is wonderfully dark, showing you a world of shadows and deceit. While some of the pictures have a less realistic feel, such as the clan pictures, others are extremely detailed and nearly portrait like.
The rules of the game are actually extremely simple, providing a system which equally balances mental, physical and social actions. Character creation is simple, requiring not more than five minutes for a person that knows the system (except if your providing a character history, which is quite common). There are thirteen vampire clans to choose from, giving diversity to any chronicle.
Vampire: the Masquerade is an extremely worthwhile purchase for anyone that is into horror, storytelling, creative writing, or even just history.