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Bones of Chinatown $2.99
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Bones of Chinatown
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Bones of Chinatown
Publisher: Kenzer & Company
by Samuel K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2010 22:51:38

A very good adventure in the pulp hero / crimefighter style that's popular with the Savage Worlds crowd. It's a self-contained adventure, but it would fit in nicely with a series of similar adventures with little to no tweaking (e.g., the Daring Tales of Adventure series, the Thrilling Tales plot point campaign, etc.). It's written to make things easy on the GM, including boxes of text to read to the players. And maps! I can't tell you how frustrated I get with adventures that don't provide maps for important tactical locations, and I'm very glad this isn't one of them. Anyway, if this is your style of adventure, I'd definitely recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bones of Chinatown
Publisher: Kenzer & Company
by Fred W R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/06/2009 11:21:37

I would think that a major game company like Kenzer could at afford someone to spend 20 minutes correcting obvious typos and bad sentences. I found it hard to get through as I was constantly stumbling over these literary speed bumps. When your words are your livelihood, you might want to put just a little effort into polishing them.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the feedback, Fred. We took your posting seriously and have reworked Bones of Chinatown with a revised edition that supersedes the original. I trust you enjoyed the adventure itself as you didn't have any criticism of that facet of the product.
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