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GM'S COOKBOOK: Cyberpunk-Genre Plot Hooks $0.75
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GM\'S COOKBOOK: Cyberpunk-Genre Plot Hooks
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GM'S COOKBOOK: Cyberpunk-Genre Plot Hooks
Publisher: Big Finger Games
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 05:21:51

Too few of them, and don't follow any structure. So no circumstances, potential twists, complications, locations or character details are given. For the value I would say it is alright, but will require serious thought from the GM side to develop these ideas. They are however good seeds.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
GM'S COOKBOOK: Cyberpunk-Genre Plot Hooks
Publisher: Big Finger Games
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2010 07:02:12

I wanted a bit more in ths product. The idea is like the other plot seed PDFs (100 Planets, Super Adventure Seeds, for example) but just too short and too few! On the other hand, the ploot hooks are clear and concise. Then again, this is Cyberpunk and I was expecting a bit more plothooks about the central conflicts of the genre than the seven or so given. However they do inspire adventures so they succeeded. I hope more GM cookbook series appear, perhaps with a bit more plot hooks.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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