First start by saying that like the Core Rulesbook this quick start guide, which shares the same design, has great artwork, and that, by it self, helps players to immerse in the the setting much faster and easier. Apart from the weird trend of organizing the book by sections and not giving any page count, the quick start guide is rather player friendly and easy to use. The problem, and it´s rather a great deal when we are talking about a quick start, lies in the choice of rules and specially the absence of other rules, that nonetheless keep nagging and flaring bright red when GM starts to read the "adventure" (more like a very loose collection of parts) and then the monsters at the end. None of this were "cleaned" of unexplained rulings or parameters for this quick start. The monsters/NPC´s show up with all the stats, some of which were not even mentioned in this quick start and are a integral part of the monsters innate abilities. Other rules are kept on the "light" side, but when we think of applying them we find no sufficient information to do it correctly, mostly in combat.
All in all, the this quick start guide fails to do it´s job as a starting guide, prompting frustration both on the part of the players and GM, especially if his experience level is low.