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Fiddler's Green
Publisher: Mongoose
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2009 19:57:40

I had great difficulty in thinking through how to portray the rebellion. The scenario seems to go out of its way, I can only speculate why, to have them pop up out of nowhere, with no discernable motivation, cause or goal - though that doesn't stop them rolling over a rather stable and well-armed government in short order. It's as if half a dozen Somali militias just dropped through a wormhole onto the planet.

Combats are presented in reasonably organised text blocks. Maps would help. There's a lot of "the GM should arrange for this to happen", which is all very old-school and suggests that the author doesn't have any solid ideas to offer for how to run these medium skirmishes to smallish battles.

Not as much adventure, source material or rules insights as I would expect for the price asked. It's disappointing, after their earlier very useful "Type-S".

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fiddler's Green
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CT-G Duneraiders
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/12/2009 19:43:09

A job as security on a hard-pressed mineral outfit's orecrawler presents the party with a chance to end up at least moderately heroic - or to be double-dealing finks, if they prefer - as they deal with the much-feared Duneraider tribes of the deep desert. Echoes here of any number of famous desert worlds and their nomadic denizens.

A nicely constructed world and set of NPCs (within the limits of what they're required to do) in an adventure that doesn't require the PCs to save the galaxy for once.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CT-G Duneraiders
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Angari: Secrets for Sale
Publisher: Gun Metal Games
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/25/2009 23:36:47

A well-considered species and culture, with some interesting technology, designs, and really nice spaceship illustrations. They seem to have inexplicably caught the drow's ailment that prevents anyone else from using their gear.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Angari: Secrets for Sale
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Clothing Bits: Cloth and Dyes
Publisher: Dark Quest Games
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/25/2009 01:22:23

A few useful ideas - phasm juice stands out, for me - amid various fairly trivial notions of Rag this, alchemical solution that and ideas that are just not written to be as cool as they might be. Spark cloth, which figures prominently in the introduction, unfortunately doesn't seem to have any stats. I wouldn't want to pay a lot for this, but a DM might find several entries that germinate further ideas.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Clothing Bits: Cloth and Dyes
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Darkest Before the Dawn
Publisher: Goblinoid Games
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2009 02:03:57

This is interesting historically (and not in the sense internal to the game), centering on an event that was quite controversial and not well understood at the time the supplement was written, though it's common knowledge today.

As the blurb mentions, many non-obvious consequences flow from this, some described in detail and others in passing.

What makes the game, I think, is the pre-written character of Kanda Balantu, who in the hands of a thoughtful player may have good reason to question whether he really wants history put back the way it was.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Darkest Before the Dawn
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Complete Gear
Publisher: Dreamscarred Press
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2009 22:34:02

It's an interesting idea for a campaign feature, if your group accepts the core premise. It's probably not the broad solution to an age-old problem that the designer argues, as designers sometimes are wont to do for their work.

I can't help but wonder, if each character possesses this 'influence', why it needs to reside in a piece of equipment. This assumption seems to complicate the idea quite considerably, judging by the space devoted to special rules for the process of influence. Generally could be more concise and better expressed.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Complete Gear
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CT-G Startown Liberty
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2009 07:47:47

This is a good comprehensive listing of encounters and events within a port town, notably with many opportunities to find work (or scams), to get in a fight or in trouble with the law. It might owe something to the 1e DMG Urban Encounters though it goes considerably beyond that.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CT-G Startown Liberty
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Advanced Class: Sorcerer — Aberrant Blood
Publisher: Silent7Seven Games
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2009 18:28:35

Spontaneously growing eyestalks is fun! Features and powers expand on each other and on the core rules options in several interesting ways. Graphically, it could be a bit more polished.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Class: Sorcerer — Aberrant Blood
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The Veggie Patch
Publisher: Polgarus Games
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/22/2009 20:59:39

"The Munch Bunch (Munch Bunch!) Have run away The Munch Bunch (Munch Bunch!) Are here to stay The Munch Bunch (Munch Bunch!) Have found a home With a garden.." This setting of veggie struggle, torment and death, from the makers of the Space Opera Support line, actually succeeds better in depicting a stark battle for existence than many games that take themselves more seriously. It might be a bit too close to its fantasy roots (heh) with wizards, wolves and the suggestion of a dragon cropping up (heh) - having said that, the prospect of raiding the Big Shed on the Hill sounds like one of the best of the adventure hooks to me.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Veggie Patch
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Qalidar [True20]
Publisher: Peryton Publishing
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/16/2009 05:36:27

This strange, inverted, ruined place-between-places, haunted by cannibals, madmen and echoes of mythic events, is hardly a safe way to travel, but pretty darn cool.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Qalidar [True20]
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Venture 4th: Pact of the Angelic Choirs
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2009 22:59:17

This warlock wields the powers of voice and light - but not necessarily of Good. Nicely judged (apart from, I thought, some potentially uneasy interfaces of game mechanics with the Warlock's Curse) and makes great use of historical flavour.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Venture 4th: Pact of the Angelic Choirs
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Book of Vicious Damnation 1
Publisher: Inspired Device
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2009 19:47:50

The concept of their deity is rather interesting and the PDF contains some good-looking line art. Design presents mostly generic ooh-I'm-so-evil powers, though they seem competently done.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Book of Vicious Damnation 1
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Boots (4E)
Publisher: Creation's Edge Games
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/27/2009 19:33:13

I expected interesting concepts from this instalment and indeed it delivers. Lots of mechanical problems with this one though. It gets 4 stars on the basis of low price.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Buck-A-Batch: Magic Boots (4E)
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Buck-A-Batch: Magic Potions (4E)
Publisher: Creation's Edge Games
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/27/2009 19:19:01

Contains 25 consumables, using the "Adventurer's Vault" rules, that grant a variety of useful temporary powers. Despite the occasional minor mechanical quibble, as any product might have (I'd take their design and editing over WotC's) it's great value for a dollar. Also contains item cards.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Buck-A-Batch: Magic Potions (4E)
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Secrets of Necromancy V1.1
Publisher: Zodiac Gods Publishing
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/25/2009 01:45:03

This is a sizable document - partly due to taking a rather broad and vague concept of its topic to include "black magic", divination, flesh golems and some half-baked Cthulhu Mythos references - but much of it is not particularly usable. I couldn't include the races, necromancer class or many of the rituals as written.

The best of this product is its description of a number of real-world deities centred around the portfolio of death (each with its different interpretation of that concern) and the Acolyte of Darkness abilities for characters serving each of them. The publisher has recently dropped the price to $2.95, which is probably as much as I would want to pay for it and not unreasonable as a sourcebook for some variant abilities for wizards, warlocks and clerics. There is a lot of disappointing material to sift through to get there.

I didn't actually mind the minion creation idea too much, if it is restricted to minions. I somewhat like the idea of a necromancer commanding a horde of uglies all to attack on one of his actions, and it's no worse than what wizard dailies can do.

A particularly poor judgement, though, was the thoroughly gratuitous illustration on page 56.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Secrets of Necromancy V1.1
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review, Jim. Actually, I most enjoyed writing the section on the deities, an area which thankfully didn't require a lot of new mechanics. Given that this is my first foray in to rule-heavy compendiums for 4th edition, I'm taking everyone's comments and suggestions very seriously, both to improve new versions of this book and to help in the development of future books, so drop me a line if you like about any specific details you want to suggest. With regard to the mythos content: yeah, it wasn't really intended to be a mythos book, but rather to offer up the trappings of such for a DM to use or disregard as he sees fit. For the better part of the book I was hoping to develop something that worked best in the classic sense of a toolkit, but than can be a problem for some people if the various features end up only providing a small portion of content useful to someone's game. On the minions: I felt very much the same way you do, and really am looking forward to some official content that handles minion summoning rules from WotC. In the interim, my local gaming groups have had a lot of fun with undead summoning, and it seems to work rather well in actual play. On the illustration on page 56: you are the second person to raise issues with regards to that particular illustration, which my wife drew. It was the principle reason I added the warning about mature content (or somesuch) in the ad listing. I asked my wife about what she intended with that illo, and to my surprise she said it was a "robbery in progress," and so I mentioned to her that some people (who knows, maybe a lot of people) were taking it rather differently. Not sure I would still exclude it,'s very hard to find free art for a small production like this, but definitely will take in to consideration with any future releases that some people may have issues with sensitive content such as this specific piece. Anyway, thanks again. My last note is that, given how much I enjoyed writing the section on deities (Anthropolgy graduate here with a pervasive interest in mythology) I am thinking that a really interesting angle to explore for future works would be on culture-specific settings, such as a book on Mesopotamia, or Mesoamerica, in which the myth, history, and culture of a given period and location is provided a detailed treatment suitable for inclusion in an existing 4E fantasy campaign. I think I migh enjoy working on that a great deal more than the surprisingly gruelling effort it takes to produce a class book! Anyway, thanks again Jim.
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