An attractive more-or-less systemless description of a welcoming dock-quarter tavern (including sensible suggestions to place it by many different docks) with a few secrets behind the scenes ready when it's time to make things more exciting.
I'll rate it highly for Planescape-style quality of ideas at a reasonable price. Editing really needs to improve.
It's a remarkably large download (it doesn't help that a large preview has been bundled in with the paid product), considering that what art it includes is fairly simple in style.
The Wars of the Dead era sounds great, with desperate battles between an ancient mummy lord and vampire upstart, roving hordes and angels-on-a-stick. I honestly think it might improve the setting to cut out the hopeless worldwide reign of the bad guy from Blade II and shift the various present-day player elements back to a time when there's actually some chance to affect the outcome.
An enjoyable, mostly self-contained story arc. Crwm is everything you could want in an apocalyptic demon-god.
This free introduction to the series is fun, with some setting ideas worth grabbing too. I don't know the history of this comic at all, but some odd layout towards the end almost suggests they've brought together some shorter strips and wrapped an extended storyline around them to make a first issue - it works rather well.
Not one of their more restrained supplements nor really what I was hoping to see, with Snoop Doggy Dogg (it's pretty much just him) shadow-jumping, morphing into a weredog and various other homages crammed into 10 creaking levels. Apparently there aren't any female Doggs, funny that. Grab it for a brief read, if that sounds like it would enhance your day.
Her various different covers show an interesting range, after I worked out how the real people described relate to her use of their identities. I'm not sure why this needs stats (or refers to the Traveller setting, though I'm not averse to more third-party support for those rules) as it's mostly either wish-fulfilment or justification for the GM to mess with the party in any way he wants.
I was interested to see this earlier and got a copy in the Gamers Helping Haiti bundle. Some very nice design for 4e, particularly for the shield-wall concept and slightly more down-to-earth variants of other than martial classes. I'd want to watch the effect of the "ignore armour penalties to X" at-wills. There's plenty to enhance a setting as well, even if a GM doesn't take some of its ideas so far as they're presented. Liked the cover.
Victorian, but not the Victorian era as we know it. For example, page 11 describes how Florence Nightingale led the Charge of the Light Brigade to capture the Russian space elevator at Balaclava.
The solar-steam-electric-etheric space drive is pretty cool, but my favourite bit of technology would have to be their computer jargon organised around "beekeeping" - no insects are involved, just a highly original take on the familiar idea of difference engines.
But demons don't come from .. and they don't have .. and aren't succubi a type of .. Eh, well, no doubt that's been argued and lost at the time the new edition came out. The cover looks good, though something's odd about her midriff. It could take another editing pass for grammar and style (so could this review, but I'm not asking anyone to buy it).
An odd decision to offer a download here in Open Office format, since it would have taken seconds to make a PDF. The character names are hard to overlook and generally I'm left with little idea of the sort of D&D setting that could support something so odd as a Recon Platoon - no sense of what it means to be the son of a general or a 13th-level platoon leader with significant clerical powers (except that it appears at this level ogres and trolls are his greatest concerns, and his position leaves time to run a farm).
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review, Jim. I switched the preview to a PDF. I guess that's the last time I will upload at 5:00AM, LOL! In our world setting, Hanan Pacha, the military is pivotal to protection of the populace. Veteran soldiers are free to adventure when not engaged in warfare for their respective armies, like reservists do nowadays. I even wrote the NPCs up as fighters instead of warriors, making them easier to use as pre-rolled characters.
High level PCs can use followers, DMs can use these troops as encounters in either friendly or hostile territory. It's easy to change alignments from good to neutral or evil. The full publication has the fighter/ranger/cleric character, plus a ranger-bard, an 8th level cleric, an 8th level wizard and the rest are fighters with heroic stats.
So, what you get in the newly issued PDF is 12 pre-rolled characters for $2.99.
Two innovative ideas, thoroughly developed and well executed. Well worth a look if you might want to place a little more emphasis on skill development or less-spectacular feats in a campaign.
A tense three-cornered frontier location, more complex than it might first appear, offers opportunity for several adventures and potential as a longer-term campaign focus.
Now this is quality from this project. Great concept and development of their "cities". The Personality section seems cut and pasted from somewhere, or might as well be.
A spot of snake-slaying and a conspiracy, in a good-looking first issue that has the distinct feel of stepping into the middle of an ongoing story.