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Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy $29.99
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Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy
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Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Jim W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/28/2013 19:37:20

Fantastic buy! The artwork is very high quality, mostly fantasy themed with some sci-fi. Each picture is a full page spread in full colour, with smaller greyscale images of same reduced to 4 on a page at the end. As a publisher I found this art pack to be of excellent value and am very pleased with the purchase. Mr Calkins was easily contactable and a pleasure to deal with and I look forward to see what else he can put up on the site :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Jamie W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2012 23:06:41

A wonderful collection to be sure. The fact that so much of his work has been put together into a single package shows a varying progression in both style and proficiency and in all cases, they are, well they're just great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Al S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/28/2010 17:01:47

Any self publisher who buys this product with the intention of using it in his or her publications should go to jail. Why? Because to get this much art of this level of quality for this low of a price can only be described as a steal! 100 pieces of color artwork pus greyscale images for less that 30 bucks-there is no other way to describe it. Some of the art looks a bit rough or unfinished but there are still enough pieces of exceptional quality that the price tag is well worth it. Now if you'll excuse me I need to run because I think I hear the cops coming.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Shane G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2010 20:13:49

This is, quite simply, an awesome product for publishers. With many full colour art works useable as covers or for colour interiors, as well as smaller quarter page black and white art, all drawn in a very nice style.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your kind review Shane! I've been involved in many projects over the years with varied degrees of success as an illustrator and it's my pleasure to find an appreciative market in the indy publisher community. It's an honor to see my art included in the products these talented developers bring to the table. So please, if you purchase and use Cerberus Stock art in your products - shoot me a link. It inspires me to know others are enjoying my work. Thank you, Joe Calkins
Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Nathan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/17/2010 21:34:12

This is a huge collection of fantasy and sci-fi art with a diverse range of subjects, from individuals to groups. Most of the paintings appear to be dark fantasy or post-apocalypse in subject, though there are several that could fall into more generic "high fantasy" or sci-fi genres. Every piece tells a bit of a story, rather than just being a straight portrait. All of the art in this collection would be very useable as interior art for your projects and most of the pieces would also make great cover art. This collection is of a consistentlly good quality, though there are a couple of pieces that I felt needed more detail, whether in the background (there are some with just swirling colour) or in the characters themselves. But this is a personal taste - afterall, we are talking art here! In all, this is a great collection of art, useable in a broad range of projects, for a really reasonable price.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you Nathan! I've been accused of being a little dark in my fantasy art and I wouldn't have it any other way. Admittedly I may have pushed the envelope as far as what can be perceived as a full page, full color piece of art. Honestly, this was my chance to bring everything to bear that I've had on the "back burner" for years and either put it out or toss it out. It was a huge weight off my shoulders to finally be satisfied with some of these illustrations for better or worse. I'm honored that publishers are finding something here they can use! I can't express enough how much I enjoy working with the indy RPG publishers. Thank you all!
Cerberus Stock Art: A Decade Of Fantasy
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Joe K. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/26/2009 07:27:11

Art is highly subjective. If you look at the cover and like what you see, chances are you're probably going to enjoy many of the interior pieces.

The book does not only focus on fantasy though. There are several illustrations that would be at home in a dark future setting that showcase guns, robots, and vehicles. Not all such illustrations are so grand however and there are several that are of more modern individuals without the fuss of guns and gals. Some of the illustrations, such as the female 'Wolverine' on page 61 might be used for future cybernetic armnament or for more modern settings like Mutants and Masterminds.

The artist style showcases a wide vareity here. I will utter the ultimate in gaming blaspheme and note that several illustrations look like they would be right at home in the 'old school' movement. On page 12, there is a lone hero facing a tentacled monster. It might be the coloring style or the choice of background colors, but that is what I would consider 'old school'.

For those products which may not need the full color effect however, the product wraps up with a series of reproductions of the covers in black and white, coming four illustrations to the page.

The product should fufill the needs of anyone looking for art not only for projects, but for personal ownership.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks Joe! I take no offense to the old school reference because I remember playing Dungeons & Dragons when you had to use a crayon to color in the numbers on the die. So yep - I'm old :) Thank you for your kind words about my collection. It's an honor to see my art included in the products created by the talented developers here. Thanks again!
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