Art is highly subjective. If you look at the cover and like what you see, chances are you're probably going to enjoy many of the interior pieces.
The book does not only focus on fantasy though. There are several illustrations that would be at home in a dark future setting that showcase guns, robots, and vehicles. Not all such illustrations are so grand however and there are several that are of more modern individuals without the fuss of guns and gals. Some of the illustrations, such as the female 'Wolverine' on page 61 might be used for future cybernetic armnament or for more modern settings like Mutants and Masterminds.
The artist style showcases a wide vareity here. I will utter the ultimate in gaming blaspheme and note that several illustrations look like they would be right at home in the 'old school' movement. On page 12, there is a lone hero facing a tentacled monster. It might be the coloring style or the choice of background colors, but that is what I would consider 'old school'.
For those products which may not need the full color effect however, the product wraps up with a series of reproductions of the covers in black and white, coming four illustrations to the page.
The product should fufill the needs of anyone looking for art not only for projects, but for personal ownership.