Another excellent supplement from Spica Publishing, and this time it is even more than
just a collection of (14 !) very interesting and useful careers. Just browsing the careers
gave me a couple of new ideas for Traveller campaigns - ever had your player charac-
ters start a campaign as (probably escaped or escaping) slaves ?
And I especially like the two alternatives for the background skills, the (pre-) career op-
tions for University and Graduate School and the two new "psycho skills", Manipulation
and Psychohistory, perfect for any (preferably evil ...) mastermind characters in a set-
ting's dark corners.
Finally, the many very good illustrations add a nice touch and help to spark the imagina-
Since I really cannot imagine a Traveller campaign that could not be expanded or impro-
ved with some or all of the material in this supplement, in my view it deserves all five