A great product from Empty Room Studios. Basically, this provides an entire area of docks for use with your modern era city campaign. Perfect for use with crime, pulp-era, Call of Cthulhu, horror and Supers games. As always with their materials, it includes plenty of extras and a few options that you can substitute for the features on the main tiles, and, Empty Room makes use of the "layering" function of Adobe to permit you to remove items from the areas you want to print. Thus, you can vary the warehouses from building to building, simply by carefully selecting which layers you want to print. I strongly recommend playing with this feature a bit before rushing into print, but the way -- it will give you some excellent ideas for further use of the buildings! There is guidance included on how to print, where to trim, and how to attach different sections together to complete the big picture. There are also areas where other Empty Room products (such as Dungeon Tiles or Cavern Tiles) can be attached -- perfect for those attempts to recreate the docks of haunted Innsmouth! A job well done by Empty room.