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zzzSwords and Wizardry Complete Rulebook
Publisher: Frog God Games
by Robert S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2012 18:35:16

Great "back to basics" retro-clone of 0eD&D. As DM, I switched my roleplaying group from D&D 4e to S&W, and the simplification and emphasis on actual role playing has been a hit. I spent a lot of time comparing the different retro-clones, and I feel S&W is the best. My only critique with S&W is that there are some inconsistencies between the core rules and complete rules. I'm glad they added an index to the complete rules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
zzzSwords and Wizardry Complete Rulebook
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Swords & Wizardry Quick Start
Publisher: Ye Olde Games
by Robert S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2012 18:31:41

The quick-start dungeon was an enjoyable introduction, but there were a few inconsistencies between the rules in this S&W quick start guide and the S&W core rules. This lead to some confusion during character creation.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Swords & Wizardry Quick Start
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Creator Reply:
Hi Robert, for sure, this was created for an older version (2nd printing) and I\'ve noted that it\'s for an older version in the product description. I\'ve been pretty happy with 2nd printing and never saw a reason to go to \"Complete\", so indeed you might find a few differences. Glad you enjoyed it!
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