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Legends of Steel: Broadsword Ed. $12.00
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Legends of Steel: Broadsword Ed.
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Legends of Steel: Broadsword Ed.
Publisher: Heyoka Studios
by Ralf W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/09/2009 04:20:48

I haven't used the BroadSword / 1PG system, so I can't actually comment on the rules section. I bought this, because I was looking for a Sword & Sorcery setting. Don't expect a setting where everything is described down to the last detail. The world is described in broad strokes, but very evocatively. Almost every sentence contains a plot hook. This fits nicely with my idea of S&S: The story is mainly driven by the characters and not necessarily a world-spanning plot of an evil mastermind as in Heroic Fantasy. The same with the map: Sometimes when I look at a map for a setting, I must admit, that it is done skilfully, but it doesn't actually appeal to me. Here, when I looked at the map, something clicked and I wanted to play in the setting.

If you like the cover, you'll like the rest of it :)


  • evocative setting
  • great cover
  • evocative map


  • interior illustrations could be better
  • layout could be better (can't say why)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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