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The Mug and Bottle $1.99
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The Mug and Bottle
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The Mug and Bottle
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by JK R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/06/2013 10:38:59

One of the darker entries in the City Streets series, this describes a drug den and brothel with some rather unpleasant goings on. The owner is suitably unpleasant, without being over-the-top, and it's likely that, in most campaigns, he'll be a minor villain rather than a helpful NPC. The descriptions are atmospheric, the artwork isn't bad, and layout, writing, and hand-drawn maps are all good, as usual.

Obviously, the fact that the place deals in drugs, and that these are a major element in what's going on, may not make it suitable for all campaigns, but it's more alluded to than described in detail, and certainly isn't glamourised, so I have no problem with it. A few drugs are described in general terms; two of these are real-world medieval drugs, and three are fictional, but quite plausible, even for a low-magic campaign. It should be easy enough to drop into most fantasy cities without modification.

(As an aside, contra the previous reviewer, there's no mention of heroin in my copy. Perhaps it was edited out at some point).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Mug and Bottle
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/18/2009 18:43:23

Presents various forms of depravity as advertised. I don't know that they combine into a particularly sensible experience. "Heroin" is not the only crashing anachronism.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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