Details the worship of Mamaka, a saint of sorts concerned with torture, silence and weaponcraft, with the history, organisation and special prayers of his clerics. There are numerous new terms to work through and many of the details wouldn't be easy to follow without HarnMaster Religion.
They're certainly a grim lot, but not random villains, with a place in the campaign world and a definite, not entirely stable political status within their wider church, including in their relations with the sacred warrior order of the same belief, interestingly enough. The spells are a good mix of usefulness and relevance to the order's principles.
I would have liked some detail on what a Mamakan Blade actually is and does, and some of the unique alchemical horrors that they make. Flagellation and the use of the spiked belt are not particularly original, nor as interesting as the real-world reasons for these practices.
I picked this up in the interestingly named HarnQuest 20 bundle. Given the distinct dependence on other sources, I'm ambivalent about whether I could recommend to buy it on its own, though the price is not unreasonable. The detail certainly is well done, though, and some of it should be generally useful.