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Castles & Crusades: Monstrous Menaces #2: Blade Dancer, Goblin, and Tharghûl $1.00
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Castles & Crusades: Monstrous Menaces #2: Blade Dancer, Goblin, and Tharghûl
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Castles & Crusades: Monstrous Menaces #2: Blade Dancer, Goblin, and Tharghûl
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Bill D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/23/2012 07:35:18


Buy everything James Mishler has written, it's all GOLD.

The Tharghul kicks ass, and this detailed take on goblins is very extensive and outstanding. The blade dancer is a great construct to add to your game also.

Easy to convert to d20, pathfinder or any OGL game, also.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Castles & Crusades: Monstrous Menaces #2: Blade Dancer, Goblin, and Tharghûl
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Kenneth H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/14/2009 10:07:22

The second is the series of Monstrous Menaces does not disappoint. The author, James Mishler, provides interesting and unique characteristics for each monster that translates directly into actual game play. You get plenty of ecological information and tactical details that all add richness to the game without overworking the harried GM/DM/CK/Ref.

My personal favorite was the recasting of the goblin. There is a lot of great information here that is directly useful at the gaming table and will help distinguish the goblin from otherwise similar creatures, such as the orc and kobold.

The monsters are setting neutral--despite the detail provided, the GM/DM/CK/Ref will have a set of monsters that are usable in almost an campaign setting. And, despite the Castles & Crusades template, can fit right into any traditional fantasy role playing game with minimal work.

Well done.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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