Well, I was quite excited when I got this product, the idea is solid and the potential is there. However, I was a bit disappointed in the results. I wanted to make a character who was a Mexican Luchador. Unfortunately, most characters are limited to being black (signified by the menu choice "Afro") or very white. You can make Asian characters, but only martial artists-- and the martial artists cannot be tweaked to be anything but Asian. For my costume, I was limited to Blue or Red for the Boots, pants, cape, mask, etc. I could not make it green and gold. Masks are rather plain-- either standard domino masks in limited colors, or solid full-face masks. I could not make a decorative mask. He could only have a full cape, no half-capes were available, and the only belt was a rather skinny one, not the thick wrestler's championship belt that I wanted...
I was able to make something that looked decently close to the concept-- but I will have to print it in black & white and color it in by hand to get the color scheme I wanted (and to decorate the mask).
This product is okay, for letting you customize heroes, but not nearly as versatile as Hero Machine. It is too bad too, because I like the base artwork of this product better than that of Hero Machine. I think if a few more options (especially color choices) were added to this product it could be much better.