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The Spandex Legion 01 $4.95
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The Spandex Legion 01
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The Spandex Legion 01
Publisher: Alephtar Games
by Kevin M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/06/2009 13:48:42

I was a little hesitant to order this product at first, having ordered a few template products and walking away a little disappointed. However, I’m glad I went ahead and did so.

The publisher did indeed add more color options as they stated in a prior review. And when I did have questions, they responded back in a very timely fashion.

One of the really nice features of this product is that the artwork is vector based, so you can enlarge the images and cut/paste them onto a character sheet (with a nice, sharp, non-grainy image), as well as print a miniature that can be used on a tabletop. So it really serves a dual purpose, at least for me.

A nice variety of poses and the artwork is also very well done. It’s true that you can’t create any hero you can imagine, but overall there is still plenty of variety. Hopefully, the publishers will explore even more improvements and character options. If they do, this could be a 5-star product.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Spandex Legion 01
Publisher: Alephtar Games
by Chris R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/16/2009 16:02:12

Well, I was quite excited when I got this product, the idea is solid and the potential is there. However, I was a bit disappointed in the results. I wanted to make a character who was a Mexican Luchador. Unfortunately, most characters are limited to being black (signified by the menu choice "Afro") or very white. You can make Asian characters, but only martial artists-- and the martial artists cannot be tweaked to be anything but Asian. For my costume, I was limited to Blue or Red for the Boots, pants, cape, mask, etc. I could not make it green and gold. Masks are rather plain-- either standard domino masks in limited colors, or solid full-face masks. I could not make a decorative mask. He could only have a full cape, no half-capes were available, and the only belt was a rather skinny one, not the thick wrestler's championship belt that I wanted...

I was able to make something that looked decently close to the concept-- but I will have to print it in black & white and color it in by hand to get the color scheme I wanted (and to decorate the mask).

This product is okay, for letting you customize heroes, but not nearly as versatile as Hero Machine. It is too bad too, because I like the base artwork of this product better than that of Hero Machine. I think if a few more options (especially color choices) were added to this product it could be much better.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
We added many more color options to this basic figure set. Customers who purchased it can now re-download it. Please note that while you can design a huge number of different heroes with it, you cannot obtain just any character concept from it. Future sets (Set #2 is now available, too) will provide a wider variety of templates from which you can build your hero of choice.
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