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Gauntlets & Gaslight: Player's Handbook (5E, Pathfinder, P2E, OSR)
Publisher: Infinium Game Studios
by Dani [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2025 00:18:39

Need more player oriented source books like this. PF1E and 2E, 5e and OSR in one go! Love this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gauntlets & Gaslight: Player's Handbook (5E, Pathfinder, P2E, OSR)
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Ruination Pilgrimage
Publisher: Psychoda Press
by Dani [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2024 14:17:07

This is one of the best release for OSR 2024. Read it through, can't wait to run it on my table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ruination Pilgrimage
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Undying Corruption 5e: Lvls 1-20 Korean Adventure
Publisher: Minki Kim
by Dani [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/13/2024 14:59:23

Long have I waited for a proper Korea based setting. This exceeds my expectation!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Undying Corruption 5e: Lvls 1-20 Korean Adventure
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BX Game Options Volume I
Publisher: The Knotty-Works
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2023 04:19:41

amazing BX product from one of the best third-party publishers! as always you can expect bevy of options to enhance your OSE/LL/BX needs. and this book has nice layouts. easy to read. highly recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
BX Game Options Volume I
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Creature Feature Quarterly vol. 1 (Mork Borg)
Publisher: Jeremy Hart
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2023 11:46:17

a must have for your mörk borg table's needs. Colors bleed throughout illustration and detail choked pages one thing I love the most is size comparison for every  listed creatures. And lores and seeds, each entry is written after a number for ease of reference and to simply use them as a clues to give to your players. It is very well thought out. I would most definitely look forward to vol2

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creature Feature Quarterly vol. 1 (Mork Borg)
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The Multiversal Tavern - A Tiny Taverns DLC
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2023 07:48:58

this is quintessential book for tinyd6 system ruleset IMO

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Multiversal Tavern - A Tiny Taverns DLC
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Publisher: Knight Owl Publishing
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2022 12:33:52

아힘사씨가 나눠주신 리뷰 카피를 읽고 부족하지만 써 봅니다.


아레테는 OSE 전용 원샷 어드밴처 모듈으로, 하데스의 파수견 케로베로스가 탈출해버리는 통에 지옥에 묶여있던 괴수들이 필멸자들이 사는 이승에 풀려 파괴를 일삼고 그것을 막고자 하데스가 신화속의 위대한 영웅들을 지상으로 돌려보내는 이야기입니다.

영웅들로는오르페우스, 메데아, 테세우스, 아틀란타 그리고 벨레로폰이 있습니다. 각 인물들은 OSE Advance Fantasy 룰의 클래스를 기반으로 작성됐으며, 강한 스탯 뿐만 아니라, 신화 고증에 충실히 따른 특수 능력, 한 종류의 적에 대한 우위, 그리고 한 종류의 적에 대한 약점 기믹을 가미합니다.

여러분들은 이들을 통해 지상에 고삐풀린 괴수들을 하나둘 제압하고, 케로베로스를 다시 저승으로 인도하는 목적을 달성하고자 합니다.

게임 메카닉

OSE 룰을 사용합니다. Advanced Fantasy 플레이어 책까지는 가지고 계시는 걸 추천합니다.

신의 개입

우리는 그리스 로마 신화를 읽을때 결정적인 장면에서 데우스 엑스 마키나의 개입을 목도하게 됩니다. 아레테에선 이것을 시스템으로 구현했습니다. 신에게 도와주소서 하고 빌고, d4부터 d20까지 모든 주사위를 굴려 나온 합을 더해 나온 결과에 따라 신이 벌을 내릴지, 신이 직접 개입하여 여러분을 결정적으로 돕는 메카닉입니다. 15이하 가 나오면 신이 여러분을 즉시 죽이고, 22 이하가 나오면 다시는 신의 힘을 기대할 수 없으며 23과 42 사이에선 아무 일도 안 일어나고 43이상이 나오면 신의 가호가 내려집니다. 예를들어 포세이돈은 산을 들어올려 pc가 원하는 곳엔 던질수 있는데 그 위력은 절륜합니다. 무려 1d100×100씩이나 나옵니다.

폴리스NPC 여러분은 다양한 도시를 돌아다니게 될테지요. 그에 맞춰 즉흥적으로 여러분과 상호작용하거나 도움을 줄 수 있는 NPC를 랜덤으로 제작할 수 있도록 테이블들이 마련돼 있고, 대장장이나 상인 따위의 특수 기능이 있는 NPC나 고용할 수 있는 전사들은 상세 스탯도 제공됩니다.

괴물들이 떨어뜨리는 무기. 캐로베로스로 가는길은 멀고도 험난한데, 차라리 신의 개입을 믿고 바로 케로베로스로 찾아가면 안 되냐? 싶을겁니다. 원샷치고 상당히 볼륨이 있는 모험집인데, 각 괴수들을 처치해야할 동기를 여러분에게 제공합니다. 각 괴물들을 쓰러뜨리면서 얻는 재보들입니다. 마치 캡콤의 메가멘을 할 때 각 보스를 잡으면 얻는 기술이 특정 몬스터나 보스에 대한 특수 기믹이 있듯이, 이들 아이템들은 앞으로 만날 괴물들에게 대항할때 매우 유용할 것입니다

내가 좋아하는점 각 페이지마다 일러스트가 있는점, 역시 나이트아울퍼블리싱 답게 레이아웃이 한눈에 보기 좋다는 점, 그리고 OSE에서 1레벨리 에픽 플레이를 할 수 있도록 몬스터 스텟이나 프리 젠 캐릭터들에게 이런저런 영웅적 기믹을 추가한 점 등입니다. 또 간편한 테이블은 별 준비없이 바로 게임을 시작 할 수 있도록 하죠.

딜럭스 인쇄도 할 계획이라고 얼핏 들었는데, 그때 몇가지 추가 했으면 하는 바램이 있습니다. 추가 영웅들 또는 직접 영웅을 만들 수 있는 Power, Advantage, Disadavantage table을 추가해줬으면 해요. 물론 한눈에 보일정도로 자작은 쉽겠지만요.

5점 만점에 5점 드립니다.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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The Terminator RPG: Campaign Book
Publisher: Nightfall Games
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/03/2022 01:47:33

This is seriously a excellent stuff. strongly recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Terminator RPG: Campaign Book
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Gig Economy
Publisher: Hurtleberry
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/20/2022 22:34:34

this book expands "Hired Help" chapter from Old School Essentials classic core books in a sleek zine fashion. I only got digital book from KS campaign. 

Lists of available retainers are in order from 0 level, petty NPCs to potentially more powerful NPCs like elves. Totalling to 200, Each entry has a name, a short description of characters and what little possessions they have in bullet points. In the last chapter author gives a new and balanced ways to hire and also a quick ones.

 They do lack stats. However, when you look mercenaries in B/X, they usually only have Armor Class stats rather than full fledged character sheet for PCs (bear in mind they are not a part of adventuring party). This for me gives off a system neutral vibe also, and you may probably use this on other fantasy roleplaying game. (i.e. Five Torches Deep)

Spread layout is so easy to see and sparse illustrations and a map in the last page of the booklet serves practical purpose. They are truly welcoming addition for GMs who are looking to throw in some npcs on the fly as well as inspiration when you are wrappin your head around for a well thought out methods for hiring npcs. 

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gig Economy
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Level Up: Adventurer's Guide (A5E)
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2021 09:50:49

(My first language isn't English so this review will sound somewhat awkward, pls bear with me)if you are someone like me with backgrounds of pfrpg and other 3ed iterations but want to try out lighter, narrative oriented game for a change, and if you never tried out 5e in its original format, this game is for you. Me and my team find the game quite delightful. But If you are people who want 5e to be more lighter than it already is, you might want to go back, never look back. However, there's good reason why my friend who GMs 5ed reconsidered. There are quality of life changes to some of the magics classes and other options originally rooted in 5ed alongside bevy of great new options you can glean from this tome. you should pick this up just for the sake of plug-and-play in your original 5e game and take a gander at numerous changes. It is almost fully compatible with various 5e supplements In itself. Also new spell-less ranger and adepts which are basically diversified monks as a beginner class without losing compatibility with many archetypes that are available on the market. How can you pass that up?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Level Up: Adventurer's Guide (A5E)
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Fate Accessibility Toolkit
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/30/2019 08:07:52

With this supplement! You could play, one eyed Odin, even betterm an eyeless Dare devil! You could play a handless Captain Hook, or Play as Armless version of Nero of DMC! Play as you! A genius on a wheel chair! wounded war veterans!! This is a really a great point to start with when you consider above stuffs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accessibility Toolkit
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The Black Hack Second Edition
Publisher: Gold Piece Publications
by Dani J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/17/2018 12:32:33

I got to peruse this book after I recieved backer copy from recent kickstarter campaign. 2nd edition streamlined the format to further the ease of access and layed out one topic on a single page so that you don't have to flip back and forth. And there's plethora of options and random table to choose and, of course, let you "hack" from. Whereas 1st edition was perfect and sound in system but left you with blank tablet to fill in yourself, this one complements the basic concept of the first release with more options that should work toward the GMs' and players' convinience and fun. The book guides you step by step to make the game you put on your table easier and lethal without having to put so much effort. Those of you who are concerned with backward compatibility, yeah it is 100% compatible.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Black Hack Second Edition
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Revelations in Cold Iron
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by GYEONGWON J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2017 10:39:57

I really recommend this if you are fan of Mage, Changeling. But most of all if you are an advocate of individual free will and you are one of those steller people who are willing to face and stand for inconvinient relative truth even under the yoke of seemingly convinient paradigm ruthlessly overriding every grain of feable human mind, you are in for a treat. Incredible first complete game using lighthouse system, rules are easy to pick up and it is versatile giving a chance for both GM and Players to blaze the trail and carve out a unexpected tale to create a drama for themselves. Become a member of Cold Iron, fight the oppressors and set things right!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Revelations in Cold Iron
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O.L.D. The Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying Game v1.3
Publisher: EN Publishing
by DANI J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2017 00:13:34

When first of WOIN series, "NEW" came out, I read it through and played it. It openned up my eyes as I thought this is how spacefaring rpgs should've turned out. As I am reading "OLD", I couldn't hide my excitement at the prospect of making a living saga for my character. Many of the games I used to play didn't extensively support the character backgrounds mechanically as much as WOIN did. Such options only achieved to aid the player as a visual reference of how a character became the person they are now; other than that, the options were less influencial rule wise to show what the player characters are capable of -that is unless GM occasionally finds a space to use it as a cue for plot. WOIN gives us bevy of career options that allow not only to extend the character lifepath extensibly, but also let us utilize character's work experience into various phases of game play through comprehensive and well woven stats and bonuses listed on each career path.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
O.L.D. The Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying Game v1.3
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The Strange Corebook
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Daniel J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/10/2015 01:51:31

One of the favorite rpg I've bought in 2014. Very satisfying. It has a big possibility of expanding on various settings through theme that's named "recursions". And in these recursions our character developes another identity with new foci, and descriptors. I hope to see more of the supplements coming forth.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Strange Corebook
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