This Tavern bucks the standard trope of meeting in a bar. From an atypical circular structure, to secret escape hatches to special “quiet booths,” to removable partitions for accommodating larger than average patrons this place seems absolutely perfect for planning criminal activity or relaxing with a drink afterwards. For those seeking to bring said criminals to justice, however, this is a very dangerous place. The bartender is particularly good at his profession and the waitress is even better at hers. Fair warning, bringing a paladin into this tavern will demonstrate why being a paladin is such a challenge.
This Evocative City Site is definitely evocative. Numerous adventure ideas spring up unbidden, though there are a list of adventure hooks should a GM need them. The bartender and the waitress have full stat blocks with background, motivations, in fact everything a GM needs to run these two. There is also a full size 1” = five foot scale map to piece together so that the drafting impaired GM doesn’t have to try to redraw this circular tavern. There is a GMs map showing anything that is hidden to PCs as well.
The bartender has a few unique items and brewing techniques as well as a couple of feats that help him do his job. His brewing skills are unsurpassed. Crossing him is a dangerous enterprise within his domain. It is even more dangerous to break a deal with the waitress. Suffice it to say that she is fully capable of taking care of herself. The mysterious owners are never detailed. I happen to like this, because I know exactly where this tavern is going to be in my campaign and who the owners are. Adding something that may or may not fit in a particular GMs campaign would have been a waste of valuable space in this truly excellent supplement. It would have allotted less space to detail the bartender and waitress, a crime in itself.
No matter what campaign world is used any GM can likely find a suitable place for this tavern. Now I just need to locate a few villainous patrons for this tavern and perhaps some appropriate music from the cantina of Mos Eisley.