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Starscape Hex Maps 5: Galaxies
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Ryan N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2015 22:16:35

This is a copy paste of my review from set 4, because I basically did one review for both sets.

The last two sets in this series are my favorite. There are sill minor issues with the resolution here, but they are not as bad as previous sets. The creator has gotten better as he went along. You may want some of the earlier sets to have some matching space backgrounds that are more plain looking. You probably don't want everything to so be colorful. To me though, the last two sets in the series are the meat and potatoes of the battlemat.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Starscape Hex Maps 5: Galaxies
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Starscape Hex Maps 4: Nebulae
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Ryan N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2015 22:15:05

The last two sets in this series are my favorite. There are sill minor issues with the resolution here, but they are not as bad as previous sets. The creator has gotten better as he went along. You may want some of the earlier sets to have some matching space backgrounds that are more plain looking. You probably don't want everything to so be colorful. To me though, the last two sets in the series are the meat and potatoes of the battlemat.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Starscape Hex Maps 4: Nebulae
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Starscape Hex Maps 3: Planets & Asteroids
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Ryan N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2015 22:07:41

This one is a bit difficult for me to right a review on. More than any of the other sets, the art here is of inconsistent resolution. There is also the problem of the hex lines being a bit too dim. I am not using any of the asteroid pages from this because they are just the worst. I would rather use custom asteroid tiles. So im really only using the planets in this set. its the same amount of stuff im using from the first set which I rated lower. I didn't rate this one lower though, because they are good looking planets, and when you have all the other sets, its a nice extra. The price is also not bad, so I felt these planets were worth it for me.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Starscape Hex Maps 3: Planets & Asteroids
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Starscape Hex Maps 2: Natural Phenomenon
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Ryan N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2015 22:02:44

The art in this set, and the following sets is a bit inconsistent, but it generally looks good enough. This particular set does a better job of plain space than the first set did, so get this one for that. Then get the following sets. Maybe also get the first set later, but its the weakest of the sets, so I would recommend getting it last.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Starscape Hex Maps 2: Natural Phenomenon
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Starscape Hex Maps
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Ryan N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2015 21:59:15

I didn't really care for this first set. There are a couple sheets I use, but most of them I don't. The price is good though, and further sets increased the quality. They are all just a little under 1in across hexes, so will work fine for that 1 inch. I would recommend getting this set last just to pad out the other sets.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Starscape Hex Maps
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