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Cave Monsters $2.95
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Cave Monsters
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Cave Monsters
Publisher: Mayhem in Paper
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2018 10:48:08

Another great set of paper minis! So far I've only used the stirges from this set (along with crafted stirges following DM Scotty's short tip--search Youtube for that tutorial), but there are a number of good paper minis that will likely be used in the future in my D&D 5E campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cave Monsters
Publisher: Mayhem in Paper
by Jeff B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2010 19:47:17

Great FREE resource! I use these when I need a large number of monsters and cant cover it with 3D figures or if I need to travel. These can be folded flat and allows for transport with very little bulk.

These look pretty cool and do stand up rather than just being a flat tile that lays on the table like a poker chip or does stand up because it is folded in half like a pup-tent.

I will often intend to throw these away after a game but the players ALWAYS want to keep them because they are pretty cool.

Killer tool for the GR (hey, those minies get spendy) and FREE to boot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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