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Collection of Horrors [BUNDLE] $23.84 $13.99
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Collection of Horrors [BUNDLE]
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Collection of Horrors [BUNDLE]
Publisher: White Wolf
by Flames R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/21/2009 08:48:25

A Flames Rising Review:

Once upon a time, my friend David ran a Delta Green game. David was a huge fan of the in-game prop, especially when it came to this particular campaign. If our clues were photographs, we generally had photographs in our paws. If the clue was a recording of some nature, then we also received that. I mention this because White Wolf’s new Collection of Horrors line appears to follow in his beliefs that props are good things. CoH is associated with the Hunter the Vigil line as each entry describes a scene (using the SAS platform) that can either be fitted into an already existing campaign, spark a new campaign, or simply fill up a night’s worth of gaming.

One nice thing about these focused scenes is that, despite their fixation, these adventures won’t really railroad players. Most of the scenes are open, not closed. Once the chief action takes place, players will be able to run wildly in reaction. This is doubly true when these scenes are cleanly added to an already established campaign.

I am not going to grade each of the modules because it boils down to a level of personal taste. All I’ll say is that the layout for each of these scenes is consistent and makes sense. I feel like the shortness of each will ultimately lead people to purchasing the full SAS adventures instead of mere scenes. The props are a great workable idea. Even though the audio-laced files seem like the better deal, some of the pure printed props are well-done. I’d suggest trying four or so out, just to whet your appetite. Use them in a Hunter campaign or try them out in something wholly different. Either way, I think these scenes will please most Storytellers.

Most importantly, have fun.

Review by Todd Cash

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[4 of 5 Stars!]
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