very excellent book covering almost all the main antagonists that you'll have in a typical mage game. even almost 20 years later this has a lot of pertinant advice that STs can use to portray nephandi, marauders, infernalists and umbrood. the storytelling chapter helps you understand very clearly how to portray interesting & nuanced antagonists, and the umbrood chapter provides perhaps the best overall game framework for using the infinite possibilities of umbrood in your mage chronicle. although parts of this have been expanded for m20's book of the fallen and gods & monsters, in my opinion this is still the best source for marauders in mage to this day because we haven't really gotten an m20 update for marauders, this renders the 1st ed book of madness mostly useless as the marauders in that were cartoonish caricatures, whereas in this they have real depth and tragedy to their existence.
recommended for mage storytellers and fans