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Siarl's Herbs and Elixirs $1.99
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Siarl\'s Herbs and Elixirs
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Siarl's Herbs and Elixirs
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by JK R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/06/2013 10:08:55

This 6-page instalment of the City Streets series provides a herbalist/alchemist's shop that, as usual, has a bit more going on behind the scenes. The artwork isn't quite up to the standards of earlier booklets in the series, but otherwise, it's well written and laid out, with decent hand-drawn maps. The secret in this case is one that makes perfect sense, while being fairly unusual, although it's arguably one that's slightly harder than usual to work into a game.

The booklet includes a brief description of some of the potions that Siarl can make, but this isn't really a book of potions, and most are fairly mundane (healing potions, for instance). Nonetheless, it's all good flavour, and some are a little unusual. There are, as usual, a number of plot hooks provided at the end to fit the shop into your campaign - and it shouldn't be a problem doing so in most settings. One of them does seem to come a little of left-field, as I'm not entirely clear what the motivation of the NPC is, but it should be dramatic if you can find a way to fit it in.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Siarl's Herbs and Elixirs
Publisher: Generic Universe Publishing
by Robert M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/22/2009 15:56:23

Out of all of these I think this is my favorite. Siarl is the classic enigmatic NPC with some big secrets that players may or may not ever find out. At the very least Siarl is a good person to go to for basic herbal supplies and elxirs that can help keep your PC's alive. Siarl is so much more though, so you may want to drop heavy hints to get your PC's to get to know Siarl even better.

Siarl could be the party sponsor and even mentor, He is definitely a good person to make a friend and ally of, and the GM can definitely use him to create many adventure hooks and even use Siarl to save the party if its ever needed. The best part is he will be part of the "story", the PC's world, so if you ever do need someone who can save the parties butt, Siarl can be it, and it will make sense for a friend to come and save them.

Several of the "hooks" provided will also make for some unique gaming experiences as well. So I really like this one because I see it becoming a central location and NPC to many of my future games, as well as a great way to introduce a wide range of hooks for my players.

Siarl could also become an enemy of the PC's, but it definitely will not be a good day for them if he does.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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